Why Successful Entrepreneurs Lean Hard Into Genuine Accountability Partnerships

Anne Beaulieu
The Curious Leader
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2021

Genuine accountability has nothing to do with what we say.

Would you do business with someone whose business strategy for raising money is to find lovers and get them to invest? You may be completely comfortable with this approach, and I’m not here to judge if you are. However, if you’re not comfortable with that approach, you will certainly want to read on. You see, many entrepreneurs would find a way to suppress their accountability for a piece of the Chanel pie.

Let me explain: It’s easy to say we are accountable, but genuine accountability has nothing to do with what we say. The question is if we’re willing to be held accountable to our own true values and/or the standards we are holding.

And that’s the problem, isn’t it? Please allow me to clarify.


Most of us never even stop to consider that our standards may not be our own. For most of us, the standards we hold were taught to us mostly by unaware parents, depressed teachers, a repressed society, etc.

If we are parroting someone else’s standards and call ourselves accountable while doing that, then we might believe it’s okay “under certain circumstances” to find lovers and ask them for money as a business strategy. But where does that kind of warped accountability lead us?

The Call For Genuine Accountability Partnerships

The most successful entrepreneurs I know lean hard into genuine accountability partnerships.

The most successful entrepreneurs understand that what they were given as children were warped accountability standards. Put simply, when an authority figure gives us a set of standards to live by and expects us to lead an impeccable adult life despite offering no legitimate reference point, that is not only a set up for failure but also a sincere moral dilemma.

I know … I used to be that kid too.

Being dealt a hand we neither wanted nor accepted, many of us rebelled against our so-called “accountable” elders, and like them, our words were mostly just words, and our actions mainly reflected their telling.

But many, like me, got tired of living a mediocre life and we courageously went in search of a mentor who would genuinely hold us accountable to the highest standard of Emotional Intelligence — a mentor who would show us how it’s done over and over again, relentlessly standing by our side as we fumbled and stumbled into our truth.

Why Successful Entrepreneurs Lean Hard Into Genuine Accountability Partnerships

Successful entrepreneurs are unwaveringly bold in digging into their truth until the flesh of their humanity drips with compassion and understanding.

Equipped with self-knowledge, these entrepreneurs boldly determine a course of action that gives them more confidence in business and more elegance in life. Take Sara Blakely, the owner of Spanx, for example.

The most successful entrepreneurs understand something that other entrepreneurs don’t, and that is … To strategically get to the levels of confidence in business and elegance in life that we aspire to takes something beyond what we already have.

Where The Rubber Meets The Road

As entrepreneurs, you and I know even the best-planned course of action is mostly dead in the water unless we are constantly taking committed, strategic action to achieve our desired outcome.

Who is holding you accountable to achieve your desired outcome?

If you’re like me in the past, you might have cheekily answered that question with, “I’m the one who’s gonna hold myself accountable!”

And that’s the problem, isn’t it? Allow me to explain.

Remember what I said at the beginning … Most of us have warped accountability standards because most of us never stopped to consider that our standards may not be our own.

Therefore, the key to genuine accountability is having a highly trained partner who would genuinely hold us accountable to the highest standard of Emotional Intelligence, a mentor who would show us how it’s done over and over again, relentlessly standing by our side as we fumble and stumble into our truth.

In my quest for genuine accountability, I’ve found such a mentor. What about you?

And if you need a gentle nudge to grasp the overflowing value of genuine accountability partnerships …

Here’s what real accountability partnerships can do for you and your business:

Saying bye-bye to B.S. Genuine accountability partnerships have no tolerance for warped accountability standards. Open-ended questions will be relentlessly asked to trigger awareness into being and into action. We shall be held accountable to the highest standard of Emotional Intelligence.

Designing a course of action dripping with Emotional Intelligence. We are each responsible for our results and as a genuine accountability partner, we are relentlessly nurturing self-knowledge, business agility, and a no-bull crap zone to create an inspired and distinguished legacy.

Fostering real growth. Genuine accountability partnerships don’t give a crap about comfort zones because comfort zones create warped accountability. As my mentor asked me, “If you’re sleeping, how do you know you’re awake?”

In conclusion …

Would you do business with someone whose business strategy for raising money is to find lovers and get them to invest? Coco Chanel did that, and you may be completely comfortable with this approach. I’m not here to judge if you are.

However, if you’re not comfortable with Coco’s business strategy, you need to form genuine accountability partnerships that will boldly facilitate the successful design and implementation of your strategic plan, paving the way for you to elegantly elevate your place in your industry and create a meaningful legacy for generations to come.

Lean Hard Into Genuine Accountability Partnerships!



Anne Beaulieu
The Curious Leader

Emotional Tech© Engineer | Emotional Intelligence, Strategic Planning, AI Integration, Mega-Prompting & Knowledge Base Building Services