A Letter to My Daughter on Her 5th Birthday

The Dad Vault
Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2019


Dear Sweet Girl,

You turned five years old this year. I remember the moment you were born, snuggling you for hours in the first days of your life. You were so small. But I knew from the moment I saw your face I loved you.

Every year, you grow into who you are destined to be. I see flashes of your personality which surprise me and lift me up. I love seeing you grow. Even though, I would love you to be little forever.

This letter isn’t to remember where you have been, it is to speak blessings over you for the future. I want you to know who you are and to remind you there is more to come for the next five years. And above all else, for you to know I love you so deeply I could not possibly express it all in words.

Sweet girl, you live out the meaning of your name: Happiness.

When you walk into a room and talk to someone new, you bring a smile to their face. Your joy in life brings joy to others. And it pours out to every person you interact with on a daily basis.

You are compassionate. If someone is hurt, you want them to feel better. If someone is sad, you want them to feel happy. And if you don’t know what is wrong with someone, you want to find out. I love your heart for people. It is adorable and a beautiful picture of God’s love for people.

You will always be my sweet daughter. No matter what happens in life, I will always love you. Through thick and thin. Good times and bad times, I will always love you. You are my daughter. And there will NEVER be anything which will change this for me.

Lastly, there will be challenges over the next five years. You will find that not everyone is nice like your family. There will be other kids who will be mean and try and tell you things which aren’t true. But I will be here for you. And so will you mom. We vow to bring truth into your life.

We will not be able to keep you from the sadness in the world, but we will help you learn to cope with it and to know how important goodness can heal many wounds. There will be sadness and difficulty, but you won’t have to face it alone.

You will grow into a powerful girl, one who will grow into the destiny set before her by God. Your faith will grow deeper, as it already has in the last few years. You may only be five years old, but there is not junior sized Holy Spirit, continue to listen to him. He will continue to speak to you and build you up.

So today, on the day we celebrate your fifth birthday, surrounded by family and friends, I bless your spirit to be prominent and to lead over you body and soul. I bless you to bring forth growth which will change the world. And I pray God will give you all that you need and build you up to do great things.

With all the love a father can provide, I love you sweet girl.




The Dad Vault

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