A Simple Framework for a Successful Marriage

Adam Hillis
The Dad Vault
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2023


Author created image on Midjourney

Build your marriage on these three pillars and you can’t go wrong.


Many marriages lack true commitment to the phrase “til death do us part.”

People don’t have one or two big fights and then just get divorced. It never happens on whim. No one ever gets married while believing they’ll someday get divorced.

The separation happens slowly over time.

It all adds up.

And once it does it’s really hard to stay committed. It’s really hard to stay married. The belief that things could possibly get better ceases to exist, and you start to believe divorce is the only way to feel better.

But you’ll never get to enjoy the sunshine if you aren’t willing to weather the storms.

That takes commitment to your wedding vows.


Communication in marriage isn’t as simple as a few tricks the therapist gives you.

How you communicate is often secondary to what you communicate. Our spouses can’t read our minds, yet we seem to often expect them to. It’s up to us to be vulnerable and share what’s going on inside of us.



Adam Hillis
The Dad Vault

Crafting educational email courses for coach/creators || Coaching men to connect w/ their wife & kids, and themselves || I juggle marriage, kids, and words