Letter To Yet-To-Be-Born-Son

See you soon, Sweet-pea!

Aditya Danait
The Dad Vault
3 min readMar 5, 2020


Baby, I Love You

Dear Yet-To-Be-Born-Son,

I want to read you this letter I wrote to you. Don’t worry, it’s not eighteen pages. And, we would not get mad even if you fall asleep reading this; in fact, if it helps, we could use this letter as a trick to put you to sleep in the upcoming months.

Baby, you were the size of a sweet pea when we discovered you were arriving; and over the past thirty weeks, we’ve exuberantly followed our sweet pea grow to the size of avocado to papaya to melon. We’ve been ebulliently feeling your movements & kicks while you wriggle in your mom’s belly every time we play your music and read your stories.

The foremost reason I write this to you today is also to tell you about the super-woman that your mother is! I want you to know that if love had a face, it would look exactly like your mother. She is the most affectionate person; and one of her best traits is that she loves you, even when you feel like she hates you. Let me also warn you, that even though you & I will make our home a masculine majority, it’ll still be dominated by your mother; because of the simple fact that she’s always right. Even in times when everyone else disapproves; trust me, you will eventually realize that the entire universe was wrong, and your mother was right the whole time.

Everyone keeps discussing what features would you acquire and from whom in the family, and I hope with utmost sincerity that along with your mom’s beauty, you also inherit her wisdom, her compassion, her courage, her confidence; and her art of motivating near and dear ones, and offering endless & selfless love and support.

Marriages may be obsolete by the time you grow up, and you may find the concept of arranged marriages really funny, but I hope the concept of soulmates will still exist when you grow up. Boy, if you ever come across a person even half the kind like your mother, trust me, you would never want to let go of them.

In a little over two months, you will be with us; and trust me when I say this, your mom & I can’t really wait to hold you in our arms, gaze into your beautiful eyes and snuggle you fondly. You are the most wonderful gift we would have ever wished for, and we are delightfully setting up your nursery as we wait for you. We want you to know that you are already being loved from your tiny nose to your tiny toes.

I promise to do everything I can, to provide you with the best of everything you need in life. I promise to patiently give it what it takes to be the perfect father; to learn whatever it takes so I can teach you to be the best version of yourself.

I also promise to pause when the world gets too busy and be there for you. Even with all the sleepless nights, dirty diapers and untidy houses, I know how much more beautiful our life will be after your arrival. You are our greatest adventure that will bring more joy and bliss than we ever could have imagined. So, see you soon in a little over two months, and remember that I love you.





Aditya Danait
The Dad Vault

Father, Husband, Lead Software Developer. Aspiring Writer… Not necessarily in that order!!! More writing work at: http://adityadanait.blogspot.com/