Submission Guidelines for The Dad Hammer Pub

Updated: 9/21/2019

The Dad Vault


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

The Dad Hammer Pub is a publication for Dads!

This publication was born out of my search for a solid Dad Publication here on Medium. In my search, there were plenty of people who had started publications, but they weren’t creating a community around it. And so, I decided it was time to create a publication for the Dad community.

The Dad Hammer Pub is a publication focused on helping to equip fathers. This is done by fatherhood lessons and stories about great fathers in our lives.

We will focus on five topics:

  • Fatherhood
  • Parenting
  • Advice
  • Stories
  • Family

Through these five topics, we can help encourage each other, build up each other, equip each other, and grow our children into amazing people.

My heart behind this publication is to build a solid foundation for our children by using this publication as one of many tools in our toolbox.

Do You Want to Write for The Dad Hammer Pub?

Submission Guidelines

By submitting work to The Dad Hammer Pub, you are agreeing to all of the following conditions:

  • We only accept unpublished drafts.
  • Submissions must be appropriately tagged with at least one of our topics: Fatherhood, Parenting, Advise, Stories, and Family.
  • Submissions may be edited for formatting, grammar, and spelling. We will never make changes to the overall content. If we have concerns, we will send you private notes to review.
  • Submissions must be made through Medium only. Find Out How.
  • Submissions must include a featured image with appropriate attributions. This is the same for any additional images found within a Submission.
  • We reserve the right to add images, ads or other information to the end of your submission. If what we add is removed after publication, we reserve the right to remove the work immediately. (At this time, we do not do this, however, we continue to maintain this right if we do in the future.)
  • Once a story is published with The Dad Hammer Pub, we expect it to remain there. If you decided to use the Submission elsewhere, we request you site The Dad Hammer pub as “Originally published with The Dad Hammer Pub.
  • If a story is removed without prior notice, we reserve the right to discontinue our relationship as a writer for the publication. If you wish to remove the story, please notify us. It is your writing after all. We merely request understanding why it is being removed.
  • We will only publish one story per day, per writer.
  • We will only accept one submission per day, per writer.
  • We will work to have each submission published within 24–48 hours.

Request to be added as a Writer

We are an open community looking for all writers who want to publish strong content on a regular basis. If you are interested in writing for us, please respond in the responses below with a sample of your work.

This does not mean we guarantee that we will publish what you send us. Or that we will accept you as a writer. We carefully review each submission to make sure it meets the standards we are looking for in the publication.

We expect to receive a previously unpublished draft within a week of adding you. We don’t want to chase you for stories. If you ever want to leave, feel free. No problem.

If you want to write for us, let us know below and add a recent post!



The Dad Vault

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