The Dad Hammer Times, 1/4/2021

The Dad Vault
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3 min readJan 4, 2021


Hello Everyone!

Welcome to The Dad Hammer Times Volume 2! We are excited for 2021 and hope to see a lot of great articles and helpful advice on being better fathers and parents. This week, we are kicking off the New Year by featuring our latest update to the Submission Guidelines.


Now, before you start thinking that it will be more difficult here, we are actually going to focus on giving fathers more opportunities to publish. What this means is that we won’t be doing what the ‘big boys’ do here on Medium. If you have something helpful, then we are going to publish it!

So, if you are interested in writing for us, head on over to the guidelines, leave a comment saying you want to contribute, and we will get you added to the publication right away!

Featured Story

Last year, we were starting every Times Issue off with a quote. While we will keep this feature going into 2021, it will go below this section. In 2021, we are going to feature a story every week from a contributor.

So, be sure to post regularly to get into the featured story spot for more people to read your work! This week, we are sharing the new guidelines, so be sure to submit your latest for next week!

Fatherhood Inspiration

Last year, we would start every post off with a quote. This year, we are going to do quotes, videos, and stories about amazing fathers or advice. This week, I want to share one of my favorite fatherhood quotes of all time:

“Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.” — C.S. Lewis

Last year, we share this quote in this post:

21 Parenting Quotes That’ll Inspire You

Writing Prompts

Every week we share some writing prompts for fatherhood. Here are five writing prompts to start the new years off:

  1. Quotes on Fatherhood That Inspire You
  2. Stories about your dad
  3. What is the best advice you received about being a dad?
  4. What is one thing you wish someone would have shared with you?
  5. What has been the hardest lesson about fatherhood so far?

Dad Jokes

As always, we will be sharing dad jokes. Why? Because I can’t help myself and it helps lighten the mood. So often, we read so many frustrating and exhausting articles on Medium and elsewhere. Why not have some jokes.

“What did the milk say to the cheese? You’ve aged well.”

My daughters didn’t get this one again. But everyone else I have told it to has laughed pretty hard. My middle daughter has memorized it and shares it with people with great success.

Connect with The Dad Hammer Pub

The Dad Hammer Pub is found in two places outside of Medium:

Jump on over and connect with both so we can share stories as they come out, and grow our community!

Thank you for reading, and we will see you next week!

The Dad Hammer Pub



The Dad Vault

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