The Law of Life: The Fallacy of your Insignificance

Sam Chahine
Published in
7 min readMay 23, 2019

Every thing that has ever been and will ever be can be seen as part of what will eventually complete the human experience.

The Foundation of Thought

In this cyclical pursuit of what we have established as one’s higher self, finding meaning in all that which one can observe is unnecessary and essentially meaningless. However, when we start dissecting what was once known to us as reality into the many factions of illusions in which we have always found ourselves, the true nature of the universe and all that it is may finally come to light.

We have come to the realisation that there exists no thing other than the observer and the observed. This concludes an intention as nothing more than a desire observed in thought. It is unimportant to acknowledge any specific time an intention was observed, since there exists no time other than now. If one observes an intention from the past, then that intention is being observed now alongside the belief that it was observed in a time other than now.

For the purpose of this text, time will be portrayed as a linear concept so as to ease the confusion that comes with the discussion of intentions one may have had in the past. Every thing that has ever occurred up until this moment has been destined to happen from the very first thing that could ever be. It may be difficult to understand this concept without an example.

Imagine you are on your way to work and you miss the bus, this causes you to complete the trip on foot. You are walking into the office and your boss asks you why you were late to which you promptly respond “Sorry, I missed the bus.”. The time your boss took out of their day to question your punctuality was extremely minimal, but before your boss goes back to their office, they notice something odd about your uniform. There is a visible stain of coffee that had marked your shirt due to your fast pacing on the way to work. Now your boss is thinking of and craving a coffee, so they make one and to their misfortune, it is too hot and they burn their tongue.

Although one may align with the understanding that observations arise to which meaning is unnecessarily allocated, it would be impractical to observe the physical and the metaphysical similarly when analysing the nature of this experience that occurs in what we refer to as the physical world. The observation of the metaphysical is only important when one seeks a spiritual experience — one that transcends the physical world — that leads to the comprehension of what you are, independent of what is observed.

Thoughts are what we observe and analyse in order to make decisions moving forward. If your boss took a moment to recollect the events that had to occur in order for his tongue to have burned, they would have blamed your lack of punctuality. If they hadn’t come to your desk for questioning, there is a higher chance that a different thought — other than a craving for coffee — might have arose at the exact same time.

Our experience in the physical world has great influence on the thoughts we tend to observe, meaning that what we may perceive in the physical creates an improbability of the improbability in the causation — perception of the physical — of a specific thought, and the foundation of another.

This abstraction allows us to see not only what had to occur for a specific event to unfold, but also what will have to occur for any prophesied event with a definite probability.

The Concept of Coincidence

When one can recognise the chronological order of this physical world in regards to a certain chain of causation that originated from the first thing that ever was, it is easy to invalidate the belief that a coincidence — like time — is any thing greater than a concept. This in turn concludes that every thing that ever was, every thing that ever is and every thing that will ever be is happening at the exact time it has been destined to happen from the very beginning.

In the assessment of the previous example, it is evident that something as inconsequential as missing a bus to work may be the only necessary occurrence for a set of momentous events to unfold. These events are also influenced by other factors that are reliant on the same initiate occurrence that any thing has ever been or will ever be contingent upon.

The inherent nature concerning the causality of which we speak can be seen as an infinite set of rules and directives concentrated from its primary inception. When observing an event occurring in the now, one may deduce two assumptions; some thing had to occur and some thing will occur in response.

If we were to examine the definition of the word “Importance”, we would read:

The state or fact of being of great significance or value.

The significance or importance of any event becomes absolutely identical due to the certainty of an event occurring from an initiate occurrence. Every thing that has ever been and will ever be is unquestionably perfect, and every thing that may be interpreted as good or bad was meant to happen for the existence of this specific now we find ourselves in.

In the analysis of this physical, materialistic and illusively purposeful world, one may juxtapose their current situation with that of another. With our current understanding of a prophesied existence, it becomes rather deluded to assume that any thing or any one is of less importance than another, since both are the result of exactly the same initiate occurrence.

At any given “time”––or in any given now — the circumstances eventuating, the existence of things and the propagation of life have always been, are and will forever be precise and perfect.

The Illusion of Choice

At any time a thing is to be, there will be another or opposite thing that is not to be. This is the basis derived from the observation of choice. The almost-immediate future is a multidimensional plane of possibility that requires little to no substantial amounts of time to reveal that which reverberates a finite set of rules, disguised in choices and decision making.

One has never, cannot and will forever be unable to participate in the act of making a choice, for the choice has already been made and all that is left is for it to be observed. To make a choice is to control what is observed, and if you were to make the choice to observe no thing, then you would simply cease to exist for the duration of your void observation. Another example is making the choice to observe a certain thing that does not exist in the current observation, which is impossible otherwise you would be able to observe any thing you wanted.

It is the observation of a choice being made that solidifies the belief that you are in control. If you had performed an action without having had the observation of the belief that you chose to perform it, you would either be hypnotised with no thought or consciousness, or feel incapable of changing the course of your actions. It would be as if you were paralysed in a working body that is out of your control.

A common example that illustrates the distress of having no control over that which you observe is when you cannot remember a memory you know you have lived, or when you cannot recall a word that you believe you’ve uttered. Forgetful moments are truly wondrous as they exist purely out of the belief that a thing exists and nothing more is needed for one to attempt to remember. It is the greatest delusion within the illusion, that there exists a thing of which we know so little, but nevertheless a thing we know.

After any certain point in any significant event one may have experienced, a mindful reflection follows, that allows one to “remember” or observe the intentions and choices that were made in order for the reflective situation to exist. At that moment, the only truth is that there exists an observation, in which lies the belief that an experience was experienced, a set of choices were made and a number of things were done.

The satisfaction — or lack thereof — and belief in the conclusion of an event yield a significant factor that reinforces whether or not a thing truly happened or was just imagined. The illusion does not lie in the experience, but in the belief.

Wherever you may find yourself, now and forever, it is exactly where you are meant to be. To assume insignificance is to observe a delusion within the illusion, since every thing that is, is as miraculous and phenomenal as the next. Any thing you have ever done and any thing you will ever do is an integral part of the world of wonder that we live in. Without you, the human experience will never be complete.

However extravagant, extraordinary and amazing, or however mundane, boring and meaningless your life may seem, it is you and only you who can assure the completion and wholeness of the human experience. Appreciate every moment, every feeling, every memory, every tear, every dream and every day, because without you to experience this, it cannot exist.

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Sam Chahine

Hi! My name is Sam Chahine & I'm the founder of Hero (, I also wrote a book called "The Philosopher from Carnival Island", I love fun stuff.