The Law Of Life: The Reverberation

Sam Chahine
Published in
8 min readApr 17, 2020

To visualise reverberations in all things, one must first unify all.

In the observation of the abstractions illustrated in everyday events, therein lies a pattern through which previous and following events reverberate. Though the superficial contents of the observations are unnecessary to ponder, the abstractions they radiate provide a formula that is repeated inwards and outwards. To visualise the reverberation in all things, one must unify the concepts and ideas of The Archetype and The Repetition in order to understand the endless nature of The Complexity. The following is a diagram illustrating the abstraction of the abstraction.

Up until this point, various concepts and ideas — even the abstractions of those concepts and ideas — have been expressed in the form of a diagram. It is not a coincidence that one is able to analogise physical and metaphysical processes and illustrate a coherent representation, rather it is inevitable since the very essence of infinity — whereby anything that can be, becomes — would produce a way to express it self. It may be easier to visualise all things that ever happened as an infinite domino train, where each piece is one occurrence. No matter how far away a piece is from another, the direct or indirect action of any piece is both the cause and the result of every piece that has ever fallen or will ever fall. All you must do is abstract the pieces of your life that have been, are and will forever keep falling into place, and observe the awareness of the pieces falling rather than focus on a piece that has fallen or one that is yet to fall.

The purpose of this section is not only to harness the ability of observing the reverberations in all things, but also to demonstrate and simulate the abstraction into everyday life. A flower cannot grow without sunshine, and similarly to the flower, you cannot be found without a ‘someone’ to find you. Fortunately for you, the one that is to be found and the one that is searching are both you! Many examples will be used to express the careful and mindful curation that must go into the awareness of all things that you are and all things that you do.

Take for example a man who decides to grow his beard, after years of letting the beard grow and intermittently grooming it, his living space starts to resonate at the same frequency as his initial decision to grow a beard. The abstraction of the initial decision would be to not always ‘clean’ a certain aspect of a whole, not for the purpose of uncleanliness but simply because to him it is unnecessary. Slowly, but inevitably the same mindset or “abstraction” he accepted and applied to his facial hair seeps into his living space, and his living space becomes a combination of “unkept” and “intermittently groomed”. Some mornings he makes his bed and others he does not, just as he would irregularly trim his beard. Then the abstraction would continuously seep into other aspects of his life — his physical and metaphysical experience of the world — until he decided to change the abstraction from within. The inevitability of its essence once again seeps through all aspects of life to replicate and reproduce the same abstraction. The following is a visual representation.

A good meditation that will help you recognise the infinite patterns you have inevitably been repeating is to close your eyes, silence your surroundings and deconstruct your life. Understand the differences you possess and all the changes you’ve undergone, abstracting each concept into its barebones. Continuously compare the ideas and formulas to other things in your life and attempt to find some sort of ‘reason’ for the things that have happened, by extracting the abstractions of all things you are able to conceptualise and finding the similarities within. The aim of this practice is to find ‘the decision’ that led up to many other decisions being made. It is to find the very abstraction that started a chain of the abstraction repeating itself. The significance of the initial decision you are searching for does not have to be grand; it is important to avoid signifying any event in the process of looking, instead value everything equally.

Think about an initial decision as an hourglass, the sand will only fall as fast as the hourglass permits. Every reverberated instance that has stemmed from the initial decision is like another grain of sand falling, although it is a different grain of sand, it is falling at the same precision and frequency as all the other grains. When observing the abstractions of your life, do not focus on the grains of sand, but rather the hourglass you’ve become accustom to. Try to find the exact shape, size and time of an hourglass that all the grains of sand — significant and insignificant events in your life — abide by. It is the hourglass you must focus on, not its contents. Similarly, you must focus on the abstractions of your memories, not their contents.

As soon as you find a situation’s hourglass equivalent, metaphysically, you will be able to reverse the initial decision in order to change, from within, the reverberation and allow it to seep through. In other words, once you find the hourglass you will be able to flip and see the sand fall in reverse. Imagine your life is a room filled with an infinite number of hourglasses, with each hourglass possessing varying properties. On your journey in life, you make the decision to either ignore a stagnant hourglass — where the sand isn’t falling — or to flip it and begin the timer for a certain hourglass to resonate and reverberate its own abstraction through its out countless grains of sand. In the same way, you have made the decision to apply a certain abstraction at one point in your life that has reverberated from your conception until now. Though in each instance of the reverberation, other abstractions are constantly being applied. This is the infinite essence of The Complexity, manifesting as an abstraction that is repeated synchronistically and reverberates infinitely, inwards and outwards.

To demonstrate the example above of the man who decided to apply the “Not always” abstraction, it is as if he entered his hourglass room and flipped the hourglass that had a label with the words “Not always”. Until the man reverses the first initial application of having grown the beard at all by becoming clean shaven, the sand inside the hourglass will continue to fall, reverberating the same abstraction. However, once he decides to shave his beard, he may find it necessary to start making his bed every morning, or never leaving any dishes unwashed, etc. In this infinite world, where every individual has an hourglass room, you must first recognise the hourglass, followed by the rooms filled with hourglasses, and conclude the abstraction by walking down the hallway as you pass every possibility of every possibility.

Another example to demonstrate the “manipulation”, all the while inevitable result of flipping an hourglass is as follows. When humans discovered the tree and the fruits that it grew, they attempted to grow the fruit by growing the seed. In the process of growing the fruit, regardless of the expectations of what the seed will produce, both the tree and the fruits flourished. It is the seed that holds the algorithmic nature of the tree and the fruit, which inevitably reproduce the seed from which they’ve sprouted. The abstraction is represented by the seed and The Repetition by the cyclical nature of a tree’s life cycle. The Archetype is the seed that was discovered, and The Reverberation is the never-ending cycle in which it permeates. A further abstraction would relate to that of the seed, a physical representation of a concept or idea that infinitely reverberates its cyclical essence throughout and within — an analogy for The Complexity.

It is the never-ending abstraction one must always aim to uncover, until there is nothing left to abstract. Once the concept of “nothing” is abstracted, and its properties are understood, The Complexity and all its instances that have reverberated throughout will become apparent in all things. It may help to uncover your own reverberated abstractions by observing the ‘making’ of a decision to change something about your life you’ve always cast aside. Initially, by abstracting the decision, one must understand that in the eternal nature of The Complexity, the abstraction will repeat itself in all the ways that it can. After understanding the abstraction of an event, regardless of significance, one can attempt to be aware of all future — or previous — events, in the hopes of locating the exact same abstraction and its reverberation.

If one was to abstract the concept of “nothing”, the properties found would allow the individual to locate “nothing” in everything. In nothing, there is nothing. There is no time in which no thing can be measured to change, for there is nothing to change. Since there is no time, nothing must be eternal. However, also momentary as it cannot hold a single understanding without also radiating the opposite of that specific understanding. An example is that there is no space in nothing, and where there is no space there is no definition of space, meaning there is nothing that limits the amount of things that could fit in nothing. However there is no thing that can exist, therefore nothing cannot have a size, yet it is both infinitely growing and infinitesimally small. The following is a representation of the abstraction of “nothing”.

The existence of “nothing” in a world where focus on “something” is so prevalent, is a gift that aims to enlighten any individual who wants to explore the eternal essence of The Complexity, from within the story. Meditation is often used as a means to observe the “nothing” in the something, though it is not necessary in the pursuit of observing “nothing”. This is because there is “nothing” in “all things”. The pause between every word that is spoken, the silence between every thought that appears, the energy of a room that is empty, the “nothing” can be found in everything. It is the complete awareness, however, of the “nothing” independent of “something” that will allow an individual to observe the initial occurrence or The Complexity from which all things have become.

In the conclusion of the search for the reverberation in all instances of The Complexity, there is one thing that should have become apparent: The Search! In all the ways that The Complexity is, it is always searching for something. Sometimes the search is for a thing that is lost or a thing that is already found, but in either case the search continues. In the following subsection, the abstraction of The Search within The Reverberation of The Complexity will be explored and its infinite and repetitive instances identified in all things, physical and metaphysical.



Sam Chahine

Hi! My name is Sam Chahine & I'm the founder of Hero (, I also wrote a book called "The Philosopher from Carnival Island", I love fun stuff.