The Dapper Owl

I Walk These Streets

Prose poetry

Ani Eldritch
The Dapper Owl


Photo by Bagus Renaldy on Unsplash

The city hums beneath my feet, a constant pulse that never slows. Concrete veins stretch out, tangled and alive, carrying the lifeblood of a million dreams. I walk these streets, my steps echoing in the narrow alleys where sunlight barely touches. Faces blur past, each a story untold, each a heartbeat in the cacophony of life.

Neon signs flicker overhead, casting a kaleidoscope of colors on the rain-slicked pavement. I breathe in the scent of street food, exhaust, and rain – a symphony of survival. Sirens wail a distant lullaby for the restless souls.

In the park, children’s laughter cuts through the noise, a pure note in the urban symphony. I watch them, their innocence untouched by the city’s rough edges. Pigeons scatter as I pass, a flurry of wings and whispers.

The subway rumbles below, a hidden river of steel and shadows. I descend into its depths, surrounded by the murmur of strangers. We are all travelers here, our lives intersecting briefly before diverging again.

Night falls, and the city transforms. Lights blaze in the dark, an artificial constellation. I sit on my fire escape, sipping Earl Grey, and watch the world go by. Jazz drifts from an open window, mingling with the sounds of distant traffic.

With its grit and grace, this city is a part of me. In its chaos, I find my rhythm. In its silence, my solace. I am its child, and it is my muse, forever intertwined, dancing in the urban night.

Ani Eldritch 2024

This was the first poem I published on Medium. You never forget your first.



Ani Eldritch
The Dapper Owl

I am a writer/poet and Gen Z New Yorker. My publication is The Dapper Owl. Jazz inspires me. Earl Grey tea and Thai food keep me going. Welcome.