The Dapper Owl

Love Is a Battlefield, and I’m Losing

Micro memoir

Ani Eldritch
The Dapper Owl


Brooke Cagle took this photo of a smiling woman holding a cappuccino in both hands.
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

It’s three in the morning, and I’m wide awake, staring at the ceiling fan like it’s going to offer some profound insight. Love, right? This complicated, messy, beautiful disaster. I met her in a coffee shop, cliché as it sounds, but it was more like a movie scene — slow motion, awkward eye contact, me spilling my coffee. And yet, here I am, dissecting every word she said, every glance she gave. Did she mean it when she said she likes my smile? Or was it just polite conversation? I’m not even sure if she remembers my name, but damn, that smile. It’s like she’s a hurricane, and I’m just a flimsy house on the shore. I keep thinking, overthinking, obsessing. Maybe I’m just another casualty in this war called love, but if it means seeing her smile again, maybe it’s worth losing. Because her smile, man, it’s everything.

Ani Eldritch 2024



Ani Eldritch
The Dapper Owl

I am a writer/poet and Gen Z New Yorker. My publication is The Dapper Owl. Jazz inspires me. Earl Grey tea and Thai food keep me going. Welcome.