5 Reasons Why Investing In Bitcoin Is A Good Idea

By George P Nyamanga on ALTCOIN MAGAZINE

George P Nyamanga
The Dark Side
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2019


Is bitcoin investment worth it? Should I buy bitcoin? I couldn’t just stop debating, questioning and doubting myself.

I know you might be in this state of confusion, I’ve here there too. And for years, I kept asking myself the same questions year in, year out.

In this write-up, I’m going to help you clear these doubts. But first, since the discovery in 2009, the price of bitcoin has continued to go up, from $0.01 topo $20,000 per coin. This steady growth has seen many consider bitcoin as an investment option.

As a fully-fledged, digital currency expert with a lot of experience in bitcoin and blockchain, I’d like to share my answer with you.

Let’s dive in!

Sending Money Made Easy

International bank transfers are still a complicated procedure and it even takes a longer time than expected. In addition, they also charge high fees which makes the process even more expensive. By removing the middlemen, Bitcoin allows you to send money and make payments instantly at a very low fee.

Moreover, bitcoin also gives you more freedom and privacy that is always needed when handling money or any other type of transaction. The world is currently embracing and investing in this new technology that removes barriers and allows people to send and receive money with more freedom around the globe.

Store Of Value

For a very long time gold has always been considered as the store of value. This precious metal, over the years, has been able to maintain its intrinsic value without depreciating. Even if a country is experiencing an economic crisis because of hyperinflation, gold has always been the naturally accepted method of accepting wealth and maintaining power.

However, with technological advances in the 21st century and the rise of digital currency, there is a need for a digital version of a store of value. Bitcoin is a new currency built using modern technology, this makes many to refer to it as “digital gold.”

Digital currency, especially bitcoin has the capacity of replacing physical gold as the value of the future. According to the latest research conducted, in the last five years, bitcoin has outperformed gold in terms of price growth. Some of the reasons why Bitcoin can be a leading store of value are, it has a perfectly regulated supply and also it can be transferred globally with a very short time.

Flexibility In The Market

Trading and investing in bitcoin is flexible and easy and can be done anywhere, at any time. For this reason, you can easily work with your investments any time with no barriers at all. It is also important to note that, bitcoin does not wait for the market to open so that you can start trading as the stock do. This gives traders and investors to have their money. Flexibility is always key in any time of investment, that’s why bitcoin flexibility is likely to attract more investors and traders.

One Of The Largest Cryptocurrencies In The Market

For sure, there are a lot of cryptocurrencies in the market and the internet currently. However, bitcoin is known to be the most valuable of all. It also has the largest user adoption and a bigger market cap. Therefore, if you are looking forward to investing in digital currencies, I will definitely recommend bitcoin for you.

High Adoption Rules

Among all the other digital currencies, bitcoin has the highest adoption rate. Big e-commerce companies like Amazon and Apple are slowly and gradually accepting blockchain technology. They allow their customers to buy their goods using bitcoin.

In Africa, Zimbabwe has adopted the new currency to curb the high rate of inflation. In addition, South American countries like, Argentina, Peru, and Venezuela increased the volumes in which bitcoin traded last year, thus increasing bitcoin revenue.

Bottom Line

There you go, you have five valid reasons why you should consider investing in digital currencies. Also, investing in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will provide you with you an amazing opportunity to invest in the emerging digital asset. However, take your time to learn how to invest and understand in detail the high returns and risks involved.



George P Nyamanga
The Dark Side

George is a proffesional blogger and crypto reporter with tons of experience covering news in the digital currency world. Reach me via Twitter and LinkedIn