An Introduction To Facebook’s Libra


The Dark Side
Published in
5 min readJul 24, 2019


Since the June 18, 2019 announcement, the tech world has been in an uproar. Lawmakers suddenly care about cryptocurrency. There’s already been a scam involving Calibra — Facebook’s wallet for Libra.

If there’s this much controversy, what does it mean for Libra? Is it good or bad? Chances are if you’re reading it, you’re just as clueless as I was when I first heard of it.

(Image Credit: Data Driven Investor)

What is Libra?

Facebook’s Libra is quickly taking over the cryptocurrency despite their official announcement being June 18, 2019 — an infant compared to Bitcoin’s decade.

According to the Libra White Paper — an informational document that establishes Libra’s mission and strategy — , Facebook wanted to create a currency that (1) no one is controlling, (2) anyone with internet can use, and (3) funds cannot be stolen. Though other cryptocurrencies have these three features, Facebook wants to make cryptocurrency mainstream.

The three parts of Libra that created a more inclusive financial system was that (1) it’s built on a reliable blockchain, (2) backed by a…



The Dark Side

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