Best Cardano ADA Stake Pool Operator For 2021 And Beyond

Stake pools are nodes on the Cardano blockchain that have a public address, where other holders may send their ADA in order to delegate…

Bruno Marcoux
The Dark Side
5 min readDec 11, 2021


A staking pool can be considered as a place where multiple stakeholders can continue their computation resources for increasing their chances of receiving a reward. In simple terms, it can be stated that staking pools offer the stakeholders an opportunity to reunite their staking power in the process of verifying as well as validating the new blocks. This increases the probability of earning the block rewards. Simultaneously, a pool operator manages the staking pool where the stakeholders joining the pool lock their digital assets in a specific blockchain address or digital wallet.

It is also important to note that the number of the rewards that are paid out to the stakeholders depends on the size of the stake in a given pool. For instance, a staking pool having a more significant stake of over one million might produce one block every five days, called an epoch, and offer the stakeholders consistent rewards. On the contrary, staking pools with a very small amount will rarely produce any blocks.

If you want to be on the safe side, you are required to decentralize your stake in the multiple pools as it will garner even more value apart from the staking reward. The staking pools are pretty similar to the mining pools. However, they provide more frequent staking rewards and are predictable. Owing to the charged fees, you might have to face some of the deductions on your staking rewards. Almost all of the staking pools have fees levied for the users, and with this, they tend to reduce the final payout.

This being the reason, staking pools are ways for the stakeholders to earn passive income without much hassle of the technical implementation and the maintenance of setting up and running a validating node while paying for the rendered service.

Before we jump into the staking pools and the best Cardano staking platforms, you need to know what some of the factors are that you need to consider before getting into staking pools.

  1. Server Uptime: If the servers of the stake pool are not online when they have been scheduled to mint a block, you will be missing out on the rewards. In this case, you can see if a stake pool has missed the blocks by analyzing its luck metric over time.
  2. Low Fees: Two types of fees are prevalent, viz., fixed price and margin. The lowest possible margin is 0%. Thus, it would be best to choose a pool with the lowest possible fees. Some of the staking pools might increase their fees later without you knowing.
  3. Low Saturation: The ADA amount that can be staked to any pool is limited. When the maximum is reached, it is termed as saturated. This offers lower rewards. Thus, it would be best if you avoided overly saturated pools.
  4. High Pledge: The pledge of a stake pool is considered the amount of ADA they lock while staking their pool. This is important if they are pledging a large amount and then make mistakes resulting in the loss of significant funds. It is best to pledge on pools over 1,500,000 ADA.

There are a couple of best Cardano (ADA) staking pool operators, and knowing which is the best depends on the requirements of the stakeholders. Here are some of the best in the lot:

  • Adavault

This staking pool consolidates its place on the first one in the list as it offers its delegators with reliable rewards of over 5% for the fixed fee of 340A per epoch. Adavault provides its delegators with a continuous return on their ADA investments. Additionally, it planned to waive the variable fee for both the existing and new delegators until the 30th of September 2021, returning to 0.99%. It offers an average stake pool return of ~6%.

  • Cardanode

The platform boasts of a 0% fee, and they are not willing to change it. Cardanode does not focus on profits as it benefits from its staking rewards and the compulsory minimum fee of Cardano. The platform does not miss a single block as it checks for the nodes every 10 seconds alongside possesses a 24*7*365 monitoring capabilities. The uptime is also 100%. Furthermore, it ensures rapid block propagation having five relays connecting to 30 different nodes on three continents.

  • AzureADA

This platform is one of the best options as it has a large pledge amount that depicts how strongly they take the success of their pools and continuously work to improve it. AzureADA also makes the best of the Azure cloud platforms that are the most feature-rich cloud platforms globally. The platform is also backed by multiple professionals that are involved in Cardano that indicates a proven level of competency for the delegators.

  • Staking247

The platform mainly focuses on maximizing the stakeholders’ rewards, although it charges a petite margin fee of 0.5% for keeping its infrastructure running efficiently. Staking247 bears a software experienced team that offers one of the most reliable staking pools. The platform serves its delegators with transparency and lets them monitor the real-time node status on their respective dashboards.

  • Flowr

The Flowr staking pools bear three dedicated servers in various data centers across the globe. It levies a 2% fee for improving its infrastructure. The platform offers redundancy since it entirely runs on the new hardware or the bare metal servers having an optimistic view on the future. While considering the essential factors such as safety and reliability on the staking pools, it becomes transparent why the Flowr staking pool takes up a place in the list.



Bruno Marcoux
The Dark Side

Crypto and dark web enthusiast specializing in topics like cryptocurrency, blockchain, privacy, law enforcement and more for many years.