Bitcoin is Moneyness Itself

Jonathan Garner
The Dark Side
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2023


Photo by Edvard Alexander Rølvaag on Unsplash

When we think of money, we think of particular instances of money. For example, we think of physical U.S. dollars/cash, or we might think of gold coins, or we might think of short-term bonds. We could go on and give more specific examples or instances of money, but the point is to contrast this with what I’m about to say.

In the hierarchy/pyramid of money, Bitcoin is not merely another instance or specific instantiation of money. Bitcoin is its own moneyness; Bitcoin is ‘moneyness’ itself, and Bitcoin is money itself. All other forms of money merely participate in this ultimate form of money, Bitcoin itself: fiat money, on the other hand, is the least ultimate form of money — like a shadow.

Photo by Daniel Lincoln on Unsplash

-Fiat money is the money of psychopaths: Bitcoin is the money of gentlemen.

-Fiat money is the money of looters: Bitcoin is the money of producers.

-Fiat money is the money of parasites: Bitcoin is the money of givers.

-Fiat money is evil: Bitcoin is good.

The only people who want fiat money to stay are bankster tools. Either that or you’re just a ‘useful idiot’ for the bankster-fiat establishment; I’m sorry for…



Jonathan Garner
The Dark Side

Finance/Investing/Economics/Philosophy/Religion blogger. I’m also a Philosophy of Religion blogger: