Bitcoin Year in Review

3 Biggest Stories of 2021

Bitcoin Binge
The Dark Side


BTC Price — Year to Date

NOTE: This post was first featured on my weekly email about bitcoin — The Bitcoin Binge Letter. Read the original here.

Bitcoin is trading in the mid $40,000s.

Two price levels I’m watching — $42k and $53k.

If $42k breaks, I could turn short term bearish. If Bitcoin pushes above $53k again, I’ll flip short term bullish. January will be a critical month. The weeks ahead will set the stage for 2022 price action. Upgrade your subscription for more in-depth market analysis.

Year in Review

2021 — a year for the history books

Bitcoin has done A LOT this year.

The broader cryptocurrency markets have grown, new projects have emerged, and global crypto adoption is increasing.

We’re at an intersection of interest in Bitcoin and crypto, institutional and nation-state adoption, and real-world application of Bitcoin’s value proposition.

The December close will provide clarity on the near-term price action. Beyond the price though, it has been a huge year for cryptocurrency. Let’s dive into the three biggest developments in Bitcoin and…

