Blockchain offers mechanisms for organizations to grow & adapt.

THE ISSUE is that Institutes do no NOT have a proper mechanism to change/adapt or grow. Life has DNA. No life without DNA.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent. It’s the one that is the best able to change and adapt that wins”. Charles Darwin

Most institutes and organizations are not designed to change at all. How to grow & adapt in in our new digital world is a key concern of all CEO’s. The solution to this existential question can be found using blockchain tech too.

First I mention that the blockchain in not made to change at all:

The blockchain is write-only. Just like our government. How to change or adapt something on it?

The lack to adapt or correct causes that most blockchain projects & ICO’s are dead. Many studies show a zero blockchain and ICO success. The projects just cannot get rid of errors once they are made. How to get rid of errors in a write-only distributed environment.

An example where it goes wrong. Ethereum has only a kill or destruct” command killing all procedures(smart contracts). Also the good ones!

Institutes are based on statutes or constitutions not made to change. First large modern institutes are made in times of kings tyranny & wars. In times the world did not change fast like nowadays. Nothing changed at all. The king was king. the poor were poor and so on. The world was flat. Darwin came too late to consider things like adaption. The primitive mechanism to change was destruction. War, isolation and tyranny works, although we all hate it too. Dr. Mihaela Ulieru (pres. of Impact) wrote a nice post on her 1917 (WW1) versus 2019 feeling. We cannot change because:

to enable change we first need to make the mechanism that enables us to do

If the blockchain math is so great. Then the question is what can we solve with the same math.

THE SOLUTION is made by using blockchain alike math. It’s called first order predicate logic, the same stuff the blockchain was made off. Aristotle wrote all you need to know about this logic. We all love Aristotle and his pure logic the fabric of the blockchain. Nakamoto is the creator of Bitcoin. He could do this too. Nakamoto just only wanted to prove that there is an alternative for banks in the year’s banks that they asked for an digital alternative hit. Nakamoto just forgot to program a mechanism to change, like DNA. Changing your bitcoin once it was made would have been been great. Agree Nakamoto? Well, all those blockchain builders forgot to program it too.

The blockchain brought us already transparency and traceability to a level new for modern mankind. Imagine: you can trace errors, fraud and theft always to it’s origin using The blockchain. You always can trace the mistake. Deterministic full compliance we call it. Similar as traceability blockchain like math & logic can solve the issue of change too.

Our universal blockchain language brings such a mechanism. Build in the Language Layer needed on top of the blockchain to program sustainable way.

Please read more & endorse. Help to do good and find some good people before the bad guys exploit this tech.

“The urgency of digitization of governments law to get tax income at all”

“The blockchain language compiler is where all goes through. Beware you are about to lose your IP & business just like you lost privacy last decade”

The blockchain sandbox is NOT working.

My blockchain based system lens theory that solves discrimination.

© 2019 Arnoud Berghuis

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