Brexit & Bitcoin — The U.K. Shows its Appetite for Cryptocurrency Regulation


Patrick Tan
The Dark Side
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2019


Theresa May appears triumphant in the House of Commons at the historic Westminster. Somberly dressed in her trademark jacket and pants ensemble, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has just managed to get parliamentary approval to re-negotiate the Brexit deal with her European counterparts — this is what victory looks like in Britain today.

Across the Channel in Brussels, European leaders have made clear that there shall be no negotiation of the Brexit deal which May had brought to a raucous House of Commons, meaning that the United Kingdom could well crash out of the European Union with nothing but their hat in hand and a bowl full of stale mushy peas.

U.K. Prime Minister and woman who just let rip a loud one, Theresa May.

Against the backdrop of the Brexit turmoil, British citizens have increased their interest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Such has been that increase in interest that even in these uncertain times, the United Kingdom’s financial regulator has deemed it of sufficient import to devote what limited time it has to consider the matter of cryptocurrencies.



Patrick Tan
The Dark Side

General Counsel for ChainArgos, the blockchain intelligence firm made famous for breaking the story that BUSD was unbacked by US$1.4bn