China’s Digital Yuan Won’t Judge You

While the Trump administration’s ban of Chinese apps TikTok and WeChat has been making headlines, the digital yuan has quietly been making inroads into the currency sphere with its new payment rails and threatens to re-conceive the world in non-dollar terms, one digital yuan at a time.

Patrick Tan
The Dark Side


Working as a store clerk in downtown Greensburg, Kentucky, in 1967, Tyler Reid couldn’t help but feel a grave sense of injustice every time a “colored” person walked into the provision store.

Although a good three years had passed since the civil rights movement ended racial segregation and institutional discrimination against non-whites, in small towns like Greensburg, in the heart of America’s south, it was as if the march on Washington never happened.

Unlike most whites, Reid had grown up on the poor side of Greensburg, on the edges of the “red lines” that segregated black and white neighborhoods.

Growing up in similar conditions of quiet despair alongside his “colored friends,” Reid knew that it wasn’t skin color which divided people —…



Patrick Tan
The Dark Side

General Counsel for ChainArgos, the blockchain intelligence firm made famous for breaking the story that BUSD was unbacked by US$1.4bn