Crypto is the way of the future — Democrats and Republicans can even agree on this

Daniel Jensen
The Dark Side
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2022

According to a survey done in the US, crypto is the way of the future. Who could have guessed? Praise the lord, all mighty RNGesus. Or whatever deity you praise.

What does the survey say?

A total of 2029 adults of voting age were asked several questions. One of them was about whether they thought that cryptocurrency was the future of finance or not. And more than half, 53% to be exact, said they believed so. And what is more interesting is that voters from both parties actually agreed on this, as they both had over 50%. And if you have followed American politics, you know how big a deal that is. They usually can not agree on anything.

44% of the people also said they believed that they will have crypto among their investments in one way or another in the future.

When asked about regulation, 81% agree there should be clearer cryptocurrency industry regulation, including 88% of Democrats and 77% of Republicans. They then were asked about the type of regulation, and again both parties were in agreement. Republicans (81%) and Democrats (82%) feel it is important to take a consumer-first approach to regulation.

That means “allowing consumers (not the government) to decide how to invest in cryptocurrencies by providing necessary information about various products,” the company clarified.

Nearly half of Americans are familiar with cryptocurrency (49%). And the % rises as you go down in ages. 70% of those aged 18–34 and 62% of those aged 35–44. Familiarity is also higher among minorities, including 60% of Black and 62% of Hispanic Americans, compared to 43% of White Americans.

Grayscale logo

The survey was carried out on behalf of Grayscale Investments, the world’s largest digital currency asset manager.

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Daniel Jensen
The Dark Side

I am a patchy reader and writer of words. I normally write about Crypto, technology and a little gaming. But anything that sparks my interest can show up.