Financial Success Part 4

By Get rich the hard way on The Capital

Get rich the hard way
The Dark Side
3 min readJun 2, 2020


How to Get Rich!

Welcome to Get Rich the Hard Way! Here you will find interesting, actionable, and useful information about Investing, Stocks, Real Estate, Personal Finance, and like related topics. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking an interest in your personal financial success. I am grateful to be able to share my life experience with you and hopefully make you some money. You can learn more at:

my podcast Get Rich the Hard Way at

Now that you have all of the money you have been saving in a High Yielding Savings account, like all of the other wealthy people, you cultivate the habit of the ultra-rich. Now that you have cut out all unnecessary spending, and should start seeing your emergency fund coming along nicely, it’s time to make more money. Yes, this is the one habit that everyone with more than a million dollars has perfected. You can only save so much money, but there is no limit to how much you can make!

Making money is something I think we all know how to do, so I won’t bore you with the details of that. However, I would like to talk about how it is that wealthy people actually make more money and the rest of us don’t. It is always first a mindset that we have learned from our environment. Most of us have been told that money is bad, not talked about, or seen our parents fight about not having enough money. How do these self-made ultra-rich people overcome these types of environments?

They continue to learn more about money and not just what we learned from our parents. Most people stay at the elementary level of knowledge and have no interest in learning more. But for the wealthy, a third-grade education is not enough. So they read books like Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Richest Man in Babylon, or The Millionaire Next Door. These are books that change your mindset about money. They create new levels of understanding that way, you don’t have to be poor in money, mindset, or knowledge.

The habit you need first is a mindset shift. To understand the best ways to make money and keep it. The next habit is to take massive action, my friend Tony Robbins likes to say. That is it once you have moved from a poverty mindset, you need to take action. Create a plan, find a niche, make a product, come up with an idea. Whatever it is, just do something and anything to start making more money.

This could be to ask for a raise at your current job. Get a side job after work doing something other than your 9–5. It could be getting a gig job driving people for Uber, or delivering food for Uber eats. You could even start writing an E-book, or start your own business. I would like to share a gold bar of information with you. There are only two ways to make more money, investing money with others and their ideas. Or you can become someone who creates things.

These two things are the only real ways to make money. I hope the importance of what I just shared is not lost. How I learned that is by reading, studying, and changing my understanding of money. By reading this are doing just that. I commend you, for you are taking the steps to become more wealthy than anyone you know. Getting rich is hard but taking the hard way is the surest way to get rich!

