Flight to Quality: The Rise of CBDC Amidst Future Banking Failures

Crypto DeFi
The Dark Side
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2023

The Emergence of CBDCs

In the wake of recurring banking failures and ongoing geopolitical tensions, the financial world is witnessing a paradigm shift. Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are being highlighted as a potential “flight to quality” alternative to the traditional banking system. This part explores how CBDCs could be pushed towards mainstream usage in case of more banking failures.

The concept of CBDCs has been gaining traction due to their potential to provide a safer and more efficient medium of exchange. CBDCs are digital forms of fiat money issued and regulated by a central bank. They carry the trust and authority of the central bank, making them an attractive alternative in times of banking instability. In the event of a bigger banking failure (however that happens), individuals and businesses might prefer to hold CBDCs, which are a direct claim on the central bank, rather than deposits at commercial banks.

CBDCs and Counter-Terrorism

While Central Banks may tout the benefits of CBDCs in combating terrorism financing and ensuring financial stability during wars, one can’t help but approach these claims with a healthy dose of skepticism. It’s convenient, isn’t it, that banking failures and geopolitical unrest could serve as the perfect backdrop for promoting their digital currency narrative?

It’s almost as if these crises are being leveraged to expedite the adoption of CBDCs, neatly sidestepping the need for a more thorough examination of their potential implications. And while the promise of enhanced transparency and continuity of financial services is alluring, one must question whether this is just a smokescreen for an agenda that involves increased control and reduced privacy.

So, as we navigate through the rhetoric and promises, let’s not forget to read between the lines. The adoption of CBDCs should not be driven by crisis narratives but by a balanced and critical assessment of their true benefits and drawbacks. After all, in the grand chessboard of finance, it’s the pawns who bear the brunt of hastily made decisions. Let’s ensure we’re not being checkmated into a future we didn’t sign up for.

The Benefits and Challenges of CBDCs

However, while CBDCs offer numerous benefits, they also come with their own set of challenges. One of the primary concerns is the potential for increased control and reduced privacy. As CBDC transactions can be traced, they could potentially be used by governments to monitor individuals’ financial activities. This raises significant privacy concerns and could deter some individuals and businesses from adopting CBDCs.

Furthermore, the implementation of CBDCs could exacerbate the flaws of our current fiat system. For instance, they could encourage banks to overextend credit and create liabilities that they cannot redeem. This could worsen the already recurring cycles of financial crises.

CBDCs, which are based on blockchain technology, offer many advantages over fiat money due to the inherent benefits of this technology. However, they also remove the censorship-resistant aspect of it. They offer a faster, safer, and more efficient medium of exchange. They could enhance the transmission of monetary policy changes to the broader economy. They could also reduce the risks associated with the shadow economy. However, any wallet could be frozen, leading to potential abuse of power. If (very recent history) has taught us anything, it’s that our leaders are hungry for power.

In conclusion, while CBDCs present a promising alternative to the traditional banking system, their implementation requires careful consideration. The potential benefits need to be weighed against the potential risks. As we navigate through these uncertain times, it is crucial that we continue to fight for our rights.

I will never use any CBDCs for investing in crypto, I will treat them (because face it, they’re coming) exactly the same as our current fiat money. Inform yourself and stay alert to know how to protect your own privacy.



Crypto DeFi
The Dark Side

In Depth review of DeFi protocols. Thoughts are my own. Not Financial Advice.