IEO, ICO, What Is The Trend For New Altcoin Projects?

By Blockbuster Blockchain on Altcoin Academy

Blockbuster Blockchain
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2019


When cryptocurrencies were trending amongst everyone back in the winter of 2017, ICO(Initial Coin Offering) was very popular. Companies with seemingly decent projects will create stunning webpages and whitepapers. However, many projects turned out to be scams and ICOs are no longer a trending fundraising method for cryptocurrency companies.

The recent trend for cryptocurrencies is IEO(Initial Exchange Offering). Exchanges will go through an extensive selection process of cryptocurrencies before offering it to their users. IEO helps cryptocurrency projects to still go through fundraising even in this phase of the market. Users can also have a sense of security as the exchanges would have gone through a thorough examination.

Now, let’s take a look at few select exchanges renown for their successful IEO programs.


Binace is one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges, offering options trading, various trading functions, and a wide range of altcoins to trade. Binance, like any other exchange, has a “Launchpad” to conduct Initial Exchange Offering programs for their users. Since Binance is very popular amongst users, their launchpad programs are also popular.

An exchange which was established based on one of the largest mining pools has an interesting IEO program. Started this year March, BW Token Launchpad is like any other exchange’s IEO program. However, their recent statistics is absolutely stunning. Enlisting multiple successful projects like VSYS, Grabity, and Blink, has a successful track record. Most recently, their new launch of “To-The-Moon” is very interesting. enlisted HyperCash(HC) at a price of 1.48 USDT. In a couple of days, the price has risen up to 19.23 USDT. This type of price change in this phase of the cryptocurrency market is very interesting. “To-The-Moon” program is unique in the sense that there are a very limited number of projects with necessary requirements of creating a team and going through KYC. This new program from might change the cryptocurrency fundraising system.

( Recent 1-Day Chart
Probit IEO


One another renown exchange for conducting several successful IEOs is Probit. After going through aggressive marketing by launching multiple projects, Probit has gained a lot of popularity in South Korea.

Cryptocurrency industry is constantly changing and many exchanges are also trying to keep up their competitiveness against each other.

