Kevin O’Leary Blaming Binance For The Downfall of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried is Utter Nonsense

Is Kevin O’Leary just dim, or is he a liar?

Jonathan Garner
The Dark Side


Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash¹

O’Leary recently just blamed Binance for the failures of FTX. This occurred during a congressional hearing, but regardless of where it occurred, O’Leary’s argument makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. This comes after the fact that O’Leary has appeared to be one of the few holdouts in declaring what we already know: fraud happened. But for weeks before the congressional hearing, O’Leary has been acting like it’s not obvious that it certainly appears that there was a fraud.

Is O’Leary really this dumb? Or did he also know more about FTX all along? I don’t know about the latter, but at the very least, he’s an idiot. It’s pretty obvious that SBF is guilty, and it doesn’t matter that Binance helped reveal the fraud. Whether Binance did something wrong or not, FTX and SBF are responsible for the fraud that was already taking place. So, O’Leary’s argument is just a giant red-herring fallacy.

O’Leary also never offered any argument/evidence for his claim that Binance did anything wrong. What did Binance do that was wrong? And since when has O’Leary cared about business ethics? In fact, as far as I can tell, all the evidence is contrary to what O’Leary is claiming.



Jonathan Garner
The Dark Side

Finance/Investing/Economics/Philosophy/Religion blogger. I’m also a Philosophy of Religion blogger: