Make your crypto assets work for you — Sell options for weekly income

By Sparrow on The Capital

The Dark Side
3 min readFeb 9, 2020


What’s amazing about options is that you can still profit from the market even when the market is neutral or ranging.

If you are uncertain about the market and believe movements will mainly be one-sided, sideways or range bound, you can sell options to generate income and monetize your assets.

Make your assets work for you — Sell options for weekly income

By selling options on Sparrow, you get to collect a non-refundable instant Premium Receivable.

If you consistently sell weekly options, you can theoretically receive and profit from recurring yield that could range from 1% — 6% week after week should your option settles Out-The-Money at settlement.


  • You are neutral or slightly bearish on BTC and do not expect it to trade above $11,000 on 30 August 2019
  • You can sell a Call for 1 BTC with Strike Price at $11,000, Settlement Date on 30 August 2019
  • You will receive an instant Premium Receivable of 171.69 SP$. This premium is non-refundable and is yours to keep regardless of whether

How do I profit?

  • As long as $11,000 (Strike Price) and above is not hit, you will get to profit fully from the Premium Receivable. Your profit will be capped by the Premium Receivable.
  • However, if the market trades against the topside and your Strike Price is hit, your maximum loss will be capped to the pledged collateral, 1 BTC.

Risk factor

  • Should your option settles In-The-Money, you will have to fork out the cash settlement which is the underlying asset equivalence of the difference between the Settlement Price and Strike Price, which will be transferred to the option buyer via smart contract at settlement.

Learn more about how you can profit from options in any market conditions:

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The Dark Side

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