RE_ A Simple Story

Consider for a moment what this little prefix does.

The Dark Side
Published in
7 min readOct 9, 2019


It is so small, but in many ways, one of the most significant additives a life lived well utilizes. The superfluity, contained within these two small letters, is astonishing. Within them is embodied new beginnings, a new adventure, new thoughts and objectives, a freshness and consideration that can and must beckon us to become. It is in being, that each of us, individually and corporately, go to new and greater achievements.

Before you react to these statements, as given by the poet and dreamer, this pen simply asks you to reconsider, or maybe more appropriately reimagine a world where each of us is willing to refocus our lives to become reinvigorated and responsive, rather than reactive and retrenched.

When we were little children, while playing, and we had an unfortunate bump or bruise, we would often run to our mothers, and she would refocus our attention on a greater goal or even a reward.

In much the same way, governments refocus their citizens. When it is found that certain officials, elites, emperors, dictators, and the politically savvy have been unfairly manipulating money and power they do much as “mum” did and promise us rewards to placate us. They try to convince us from feeling the hurt, and tell us the “bumps” and “bruises” are but for a moment and better times are on the horizon. Often, we “buy into” the platitudes and go about our daily lives. Sadly, for many on this old “orb”, the misuse of the power of “re”, imprisons them in a cyclical wheel of disillusionment. This, of course, is a dystopian view, often used by the accountant and purveyor of news, who can only measure past performance and cannot recalculate a future recommendation.

There is an old adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

One would have to have blinders on to not recognize that much in this world is broken; from peak oil, to terrorism, to industrial waste and pollution, to distribution of wealth, to climate concerns, to depletion of resources, to bigotry and hatred, and war and famine, to the collapse of fiat money and to the global threat of nuclear catastrophe. Each of these is a reality and each of them without obvious remedy.

Where does this leave us and what should be our response, both individually and corporately? Is it time to re-envision and reconsider? Can we reorganise and reinvigorate ourselves and our societies to become more responsive, rather than reactive?

The answers to these questions seem almost insurmountable. However, a brief, but poignant look at history, may help us to re-evaluate our present circumstances.

It is said that Mark Twain commented, “History may not repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme!”

Let us peel back the pages of history and consider a moment in September 1962. It has become known as JFK’s “Moon Speech”, and it still resonates more than fifty years later.

“We choose to go to the moon,” the president said.

“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.”

Surprisingly, not one month after this rousing speech, the world was on the brink of a nuclear annihilation. Some say we were within minutes of adverting global disaster.

JFK went on to say, “For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.”

Historically speaking, with the clear focus of hindsight, it would be difficult to imagine that JFK did not know of the impending doom when he gave that speech in September 1962 at Rice University. In October 1962, less than a month later the Cuban Missile Crisis occurred, the world narrowly averted destruction. Sadly, by November 1963 Kennedy had been assassinated.

What we may learn from this is a simple message. The power of “re”.

JFK refocused a country, a community, and a world to a better tomorrow. One that would be challenging but would pay dividends beyond the present struggles. In much the same way, mums and dads worldwide, refocus us as little children to take the bruise, the hurt, the unsure and unsteady, the rigour of life, and made us believe we could do it and overcome the adversity in our midst.

Here we are then, at this new frontier, with limitless possibilities and untold wealth. It is called “Space” having been coined “The Final Frontier”.

If you would be kind enough to “remember the future” with me, this simple pen may help us all refocus our efforts to reach out to each other and replenish what has been lost.

Firstly, monetary policy and systems, most egregious of them being central banks, have, in concert stripped away the wealth and prosperity of many nations throughout the world for their own personal enhancement. Of course, this has created a push-back and created much of the chaos throughout the whole of the world today.

Cryptocurrency is seemingly a renegade idea to alleviate the disproportionate sharing of wealth throughout the world. This is most notable in emerging economies and apparent as a backstop or safe haven in mature economies. We are now aware that central banks, governments, institutions, and politicians often orchestrate “bubbles” to advantage themselves in a mad rush to garner more and more and more. They have an insatiable appetite, using greed, avarice, and power, to line their pockets.

Cryptocurrencies, in its most unconcealed idealism, is a response to disproportionate monetary policies world-wide.

But cryptocurrencies, in and of themselves, only offer us a path to a more efficient way to hold assets outside the control and threat of fiat monetary systems. Certainly, cryptocurrencies offer a more consistent way to store assets and trade “peer-to-peer” without the interference of outside parties whether they be governmental, banking, or non-institutional.

Our premise revolves around something more. While we understand the motive and idealistic drive behind the advent of cryptocurrency, we also know that real and true wealth is obtained by claiming property, copyrights, patents, brands and even more recently, dot.coms.

Hence, wealth storage, is one aspect of monetary freedom, but the ability to claim control over both physical and virtual assets is where wealth is achieved.

As we all know, cryptocurrencies are in the nascent stage. They are blossoming into a mainstream alternative to the present financial system. However, the real opportunity revolves around the blockchain and its inherent ability to have a transparent immutable ledger to ensure everyone the ability to “claim” their right to property, both virtual and tangible. Some even go as far as predicting that our “digital trail” could be monetized, and we would receive micro-payments as we travel through our days, visiting stores, purchasing goods and services, and attending sporting events, watching TV, browsing the internet and more. Each activity we engage in creates wealth for us and others around us when in community, we engage each other.

The world is changing, rapidly, as it must.

What happens when we are faced with a limitless supply of resources, not scarcity, but abundance? How do we claim this for ourselves and our posterity?

Presently, the “top-down” “let them eat cake” approach to the world’s systems are far from adequate, especially as the population of the world increases exponentially and the present ability to obtain resources are a diminishing return.

Maybe, just maybe, we can re-focus our energies to explore the vast untold wealth of space. Surprisingly to some, already over $700 Quintilian dollars have been identified and calculated on over 600,000 asteroids nearby.

Through the “magic” of blockchain smart contracts, and a worldwide system to track and record transactions efficiently, accurately and transparently, a “claimant” may be assured of their claim. Eventually, sooner than later, each “claim” will produce value to the individuals who hold the claim.

For a simple comparison this is much like what happens when you “claim” a “domain” on the Internet. A system logs the claim and provides you the only access to the same.

Hence, the “race to space” cannot only be identified in the machinery needed but also in the ability to form a “claiming protocol”, to ensure every one of us our place in space. Clearly, there is enough for all.

Remarkably, The Outer Space Treaty, signed by over 132 countries defines space as owned by humankind.

We can and must take the spirit in which this treaty was written to heart. We can join with millions upon millions of individuals who understand that by simply using the power of a simple suffix we may re-envision a future that refocuses our energy and re-imagines a new day when we all may rejoice at the opportunity before us.

Remember “a trillion here and a trillion there, it all adds up!”

How you respond is yours to do as you may, but, be assured, many will reach to the heavens with us and benefit from the boundless, immeasurable, incalculable and vast resources it holds.

Join us in the quest.

