🍣 SushiSwap — An Unsung Success of DeFi Summer

A grassroots 🌱 DeFi Blue Chip that values inclusiveness while building in the open. Beyond its controversial origin story, Sushi has shown resilience in the face of criticism, industry sentiment swings, and Vulture Capital.

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SushiSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that started as a fork of the highly successful Uniswap.

The protocol rewards users for providing liquidity and staking their tokens with a portion of network fees. Token (xSUSHI) holders can also participate in governance through snapshot voting.

The protocol has expanded its suite of offerings and has recently gone live on Polygon and Arbitrum. It has also joined liquidity programs with Avalanche, opening new yield opportunities with lower Ethereum gas fees for users.

🧠 Note: SushiSwap may be the biggest monster topic I’ve covered so far, and I’ll do my best to keep everything succinct. I expect much of this article will need to be revised for accuracy (I invite all readers to offer corrections). Please do your own research.

While non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and blockchain gaming have crowded the limelight in Q3 2021, many believe DEXs like SushiSwap will make a strong comeback as new market participants (from traditional finance, in particular) begin to explore decentralized finance (DeFi).



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