The Imperative of DeFi Stablecoins in Mitigating Centralized Risks

Crypto DeFi
The Capital
2 min readNov 22, 2023


Decentralized Finance (DeFi) has emerged as a transformative force in the financial landscape, offering a decentralized alternative to traditional, centralized financial systems. A critical component of the DeFi ecosystem is stablecoins, digital assets designed to maintain a stable value relative to a specific asset or a pool of assets. However, the design and operation of these stablecoins are crucial to avoid the pitfalls experienced by some, such as Terra’s Luna (LUNA) and its stablecoin TerraUSD (UST).

UST’s stabilization mechanism relied on a dual token system where the creation of new UST required the burning of an equivalent dollar amount in LUNA. This created an arbitrage opportunity if the UST exchange rate differed from 1 dollar. However, this mechanism was vulnerable during market downturns, as seen when UST fell off its peg as LUNA’s price crashed. Future stablecoins could consider more robust stabilization mechanisms that can withstand market volatility.

One such mechanism is over-collateralization, where loans are issued only if the borrower provides collateral that exceeds the loan’s value. This creates a buffer that protects the system if the collateral’s value falls. However, over-collateralization is not without its challenges. It can be capital inefficient and may deter potential users who cannot afford to over-collateralize their loans.

Another critical aspect is the backing of stablecoins. Unlike traditional stablecoins that are backed by collateral, UST was an algorithmic stablecoin backed by an algorithm rather than assets. This made it more susceptible to market fluctuations. Future stablecoins could consider having collateral backing to provide more stability. However, if these assets take a sharp downturn, it could pose significant risks. Therefore, the collateral ratio is critical to safe “enough” and still attractive to market participants.

In conclusion, while DeFi stablecoins offer significant potential in mitigating the dangers of centralized entities, careful design and operation are crucial. Learning from the experiences of stablecoins like UST, future stablecoins should consider robust stabilization mechanisms, over-collateralization, and careful selection and management of backing assets. As the DeFi landscape continues to evolve, these considerations will play a critical role in the resilience and success of DeFi stablecoins.



Crypto DeFi
The Capital

In Depth review of DeFi protocols. Thoughts are my own. Not Financial Advice.