The Roaring Twenties are Back — This Time, with 5G

By on Altcoin Academy
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2019


A new decade is fast approaching, and this is going to be an exciting one! From AI technology to mobile commerce, the 20’s promise to bring technology closer to its users than ever before. Here are some of the trends we at consider to be important.

Photo by Kendra Kamp on Unsplash

Artificial intelligence will become a part of our daily lives

AI is one of the most widely promised and hyped-up trends for the last few years. While we cannot hope to see living, talking, breathing robot ̶o̶v̶e̶r̶l̶o̶r̶d̶s̶ friends in the next ten years, it is clear that AI will play an important role in our life, whether in the form of more autonomous cars, facial recognition technology, or watches knowing our emotions.

An interesting application for AI is its use in online advertisements: with the advent of artificial emotional intelligence, websites will be able to detect consumer emotions and use them to increase sales. This shows firsthand one of the main trends in the upcoming decade: hyperpersonalization. With more information available our devices and more computing power used, what we see online will be adapted and unique to each of us — from advertisements to personalized healthcare solutions.

However, it is expected that AI application will spread much further, and it might be used to digitally link a person to their actions, e.g. detect every time a person buys a train ticket to offer personalized adverts to them. While this makes for an easier, smoother customer experience and a more comfortable life, it opens up a plethora of ethical implications. It also shows that 2020’s will be a decade of immense ethical disputes, especially regarding the role of AI in our lives.

Blockchain technology is not going anywhere

You’re probably as tired of hearing about blockchain technology as I am. Whether you believe that Bitcoin is a pyramid scheme attracting crazy people or the only solution to an upcoming global financial crisis, it is true that blockchain technology is here to stay, and not only in the form of cryptocurrencies.

Currently, we at are using blockchain to provide tokens to our users. They are used to support our Library project and also to get private storage space on But there are many more applications. In 2020’s, it is expected that blockchain technology will be used for a diverse range of security solutions, including user authentication.

Interestingly, blockchain technology can be used to authenticate not only users but also the content they provide. It is predicted that by 2023 up to 30% of world news and video content will be authenticated as real using blockchain. This is necessary to counter the fast growth of deepfake technology, which allows specialists to create seemingly real videos of events that have actually not happened. Blockchain is one of the ways to fight back against the rise of fake news.

5G data networks will become much more usable

It is not possible to introduce any of the trends without Internet. As you can imagine, autonomous cars, personalized advertisements, instant analysis of your data and cashless purchases require a lot of data, and it is more important than ever to ensure fast internet speed. 5th generation of mobile internet connectivity will be able to provide what we need.

We’ve already written about the benefits and problems of 5G networks. The only thing to add is that the impact of widely available 5G data networks will be enormous: super-fast and stable internet access from any place means that companies will be able to work more efficiently, and people will be able to use their gadgets without interruptions.

One of the challenges of the next decade will be finding a balance between technological advancement and human contact, which is why it is imperative that scientists work alongside human rights and ethics specialists not to lose humanity in the great advent of hyperpersonalized, addictive, exciting new opportunities that 2020’s will bring.


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