3 Twitter Cryptocoin Influencers To Lead The Smart Investment Race

By BIDITEX Exchange on Altcoin Academy

BIDITEX Exchange
The Dark Side
Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2019


If you have really gone deep into Blockchain and cryptocurrency you should know these names. Let’s pass over our list one by one.

Geniuses in Crypto

Ethereum Founder: Vitalik Buterin

Vitalik Buterin is a Russian-Canadian programmer and writer who chose to become a millionaire while as a teen. He was only 17 when his father made him aware of what is Bitcoin and the possibilities that could be unlocked with an effort and genius this young man had. He was a real prodigy so, after only 2 years at the age of 19, he was able to write a white paper of Ethereum.

Well, he didn’t leave his passion for writing and founded Bitcoin Magazine. Now Vitalik Buterin is considered to be one of the most successful “crypto leaders” as Ethereum has rather a great success and lies in the core of many Blockchain products. Overall his wealth is estimated to fluctuate between $400 to $500 million. He never holds more than 0.9% of all Ethereum in circulation.

Life is irony: for some it brings luck, for others a great loss.

Who would have known that the young teen from high school with a great writing talent and potential to also write articles for crypto agencies 5 bitcoin per article(then $1.5) would achieve this much? A real example of inspiration. Currently, Vitalik Butterin has over 873K followers on Twitter. By the way, he is only 25.

Bittorent Owner, Tron Founder, And More: Justin Sun

Justin Sun is a Chinese entrepreneur that has achieved a lot. Just a small list of his achievements:

The founder of a well-known TRON Foundation, a blockchain-based decentralized platform that aims to build a free, global digital content entertainment system with distributed storage technology, and allows easy and cost-effective sharing of digital content. Tron attempts to bridge the gap between content creators and content consumers by eliminating the middleman.

CEO of Bit Torrent, a communication protocol for peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) which is used to distribute data and electronic files over the Internet. In other words, BitTorrent is a method of downloading big files. It has hundreds of millions of users all around the world.

Founder of PEIWO, an application of online audio content community.

He is only 29 and has 669K followers on Twitter.

Fun fact with Justin Sun is that he paid $4.57 million to lunch with Warren Buffet. With such perspectives how much you would give to dine with Justin Sun.

Computer Programmer and Businessman to be a President: John Mcafee

John McAfee is a British-American computer programmer and businessman. He is a great example of reaching everything from nothing.

He is a crypto advocate. Besides, he plans to run for president in 2020 presidential elections! To have a president candidate/president who is a crypto enthusiast is not so bad, isn’t it?

Overall, what is he famous for? Well, he has 1M Twitter followers because he has a great sense of knowing what to create and where to invest. Even though he has had a difficult life with drug and alcohol addiction, he was able to make the right investments. He was one of the first to implement antivirus program and get millions out of it. Nowadays he makes high yield investment program (HYIP) to raise his own performance in the financial market.

All of them are geniuses that have reached the catharsis of their professionalism. Follow us to see our next list of influencers who may include Cryptocoin mining, Blockchain technology, and smart contracts.

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If you want to learn more, visit BIDITEX page and ask your questions, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Medium, Telegram, LinkedIn. Bid the change with BIDITEX.


Bit Torrent https://www.bittorrent.com/ accessed 08.08.2019

Vitalik Butterin https://coinnewsdesk.com/who-is-vitalik-buterin-vital-and-butlerin-what-is-the-life-of-a-genius-who-gave-ethereum/5433/ accessed 08.08.2019

Too Sick for Buffet Lunch https://www.coindesk.com/too-sick-for-buffett-lunch-justin-sun-attends-tron-influencer-party-in-sf, accessed 06.08.2019

Tron Foundation https://tron.network/, accessed 07.08.2019

John McAfee Doubles Down on $1M 2020 Price Prediction for Bitcoin https://cointelegraph.com/news/john-mcafee-doubles-down-on-1m-2020-price-prediction-for-bitcoin, accessed 08.08.2019



BIDITEX Exchange
The Dark Side

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