Trust In A Cryptic World

Blockchain technology is about trust. This will shape its destiny. And ours…

Stuart Mills
The Dark Side
Published in
8 min readJul 2, 2019


There is something genius about Blockchain technology. For some, the technology’s use in facilitating digital currencies is its greatest achievement. For others, the question really becomes why stop there, with Blockchain technology being applicable to pretty much anything that can be counted and exchanged.

Neither of these applications, however, rely on Blockchain. For example, electronic money has existed for many years, and for the layperson, their credit card does much of what a cryptocurrency can do. There will, of course, be technical differences between a cryptocurrency and electronic ‘traditional,’ cash, and maybe these differences matter, but one should not forget how new (and how niche) these technologies are.

This, very quickly, raises a question which I fear is the bane of many Blockchain enthusiasts: what’s the point? There are intricacies of this question which can be left for another day; for now, let’s rephrase the question and see where that takes us: what does Blockchain change?

The Fire in the Theatre

