What Is A Node?

A node is essentially a copy of a blockchain stored on an electronic device that’s connected to the internet.

The Dark Side
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2019


Nodes are responsible for maintaining a copy of a blockchain, and in some cases processing transactions on the said blockchain.

As blockchains exist across a distributed network, nodes are an integral part of keeping them operational.

Almost any electronic device, such as a computer, phone, or even a printer, can act as a node, as long as it’s connected to the internet (and therefore has an IP address). A collection of these nodes is known as a “network”.

Owners of nodes are willingly contributing their device’s processing power to store and validate the blockchain’s transactions — known as mining — in return for rewards in the form of the blockchain’s underlying cryptocurrency.

Nodes come in two forms: “full” and “light”. A full node contains the entire list of every transaction that occurred on a blockchain. A light (or “lightweight”) node will only contain a segment of a blockchain’s history, using a trusted full node as a reference.

Full nodes help to maintain a blockchain and are also used to validate transactions, meaning miners will most often use them. They also help to enforce the blockchain’s security and stability; the more there are, the more secure it is.

Light nodes, on the other hand, don’t require a full copy of a blockchain, and therefore tend to be favored by those using smaller devices (such as mobile phones).

Still not sure you understand? Take a look at the Bitcoin wiki:

“Any computer that connects to the Bitcoin network is called a node. Nodes that fully verify all of the rules of Bitcoin are called full nodes.”

This article originally appeared on DRIVE Markets here.



The Dark Side

Editor at DRIVE Insider. Read the latest crypto industry news and analysis at driveinsider.com