What You Need To Know About Blockchain dApps

By Norkūnas Deividas on ALTCOIN MAGAZINE

Norkūnas Deividas
The Dark Side
Published in
10 min readOct 6, 2019


All over the world, there is a new breed of applications that are being talked extensively about. These are the type of applications that can neither be shut down, any particular person does not own them, and they can never have downtime.

It really should not sound so crazy because these applications do have a name. They are known as dApps.

What Is A dApps?

Basically, a Blockchain dApp is referred to as a distributed open-source software application that operates on a person to person network, and it is backed up by a Blockchain distributed ledger.

Also, dApp is an acronym for decentralized applications. Bear in mind that, application records, as well as data of operations, are coded, and a cryptographic token is demanded in a bid to access all of the applications.

Nevertheless, one of the main advantages of dApps is the fact that they are accessible at all times, and they do not have a SPOF, Single Point Of Failure. Also, these dApps are quite similar in some specific ways to the normal apps we are used to.

Furthermore, they make use of the same technology actually to render a website page.

However, a vital difference is the fact that though a centralized database backs a conventional app, a dApp is backed by smart contracts that are linked to a Blockchain.

Moreover, because a smart contract entails just a back end and t is frequently a little part of the entire dApp, developing a decentralized app on a smart contract network demands the combination of diverse smart contracts and making use of third-party systems for its front end.

As it stands, the most prominent platform for developers of dApps is none other than Ethereum. However, there are other Blockchain platforms like:

  • Lisk
  • Qtum
  • Neo, and;
  • Cardano

All of the above are used in the development of dApp. Meanwhile, internet users have no complete control over the data that they share on websites.

Also, Ethereum is unique in the sense that, it attempts to wield the blockchain as a means of correcting all that its designers believe is an issue in the structure of the internet.

Ethereum can be likened to a decentralized AppStore wherein anybody can practically publish all of their unstoppable apps or dApps.

And, it differs from the apps we have today that do not demand an intermediary to either operate or to manage the information provided by users. Note that, dApps can link both providers and users directly.

An example we can provide is to make use of this structure for a decentralized Twitter, which is resistant to any form of censorship. Immediately you publish your message to the Blockchain; it can never be erased.

Additionally, one of the major characteristics of the dApp is that they are actually open-source and do not have a major point of failure.

Classification Of dApps

Classification Of dApps

Depending on the Blockchain model that these dApps make use of, they are all classified into three main categories which include:

Type One

The dApps under this category have their very own blockchain, such as Bitcoin. However, some altcoins fall under this Type One category also.

Type Two

Those under this category make use of the same Blockchain as type one dApps. The type two are basically decentralized applications that are protocols, and they also have tokens that are needed for them to function.

An example of Type Two decentralized application is the Omni protocol.

Type Three

Those under this category make use of the protocol of the type two dApp. An example is a fact that the SAFE network makes use of the Omni protocol for the issuance of SafeCoins, which are, in turn, used to develop the distributed file storage.

How Does A dApp Work?

How Does A dApp Work?

If you never knew, you should keep in mind that decentralized applications are open-source software that is implemented on blockchains that are decentralized and they are being ignited with the use of tokens

These tokens are produced with either a protocol or an algorithm. As an open-source application, this makes dApps truly decentralized as anybody can view and basically add to its code.

Also, it quickens the entire process for the scalability of the development of products in terms of quantity as well as quality. The next step to take is the decentralization of the app through the use of a Blockchain.

As it stands, the Blockchain actively takes the role of a permanent ledger of files or transactions which anybody can swiftly refer to at any point in time.

Finally, to contribute either transactions or records to such a ledger, tokens will have to be used, and they will be either mined or pre-mined with the aid of diverse protocols or algorithms.

Currently, some prominent protocols are being used. These are PoW; Proof of work which Bitcoin makes use of and PoS; Proof of Stake, which dash makes use of.

Furthermore, they are both used in reaching an agreement or a consensus between every user of that specific dApp.

For the Proof of work, it entails miners mining blocks and gaining rewards. This is because the mining of blocks, as well as contributing them to the chain, is a process that consumes lots of energy. It also safeguards the Blockchain.

Meanwhile, Proof of Stake demands the staking and holding of tokens in a bid to become a masternode that is eligible. Also, this secures the Blockchain, and it aids in processing every transaction.

How To Develop A DApp

How To Develop A DApp

The process involved in dApp development is not so straightforward as you may think. It is not the same as developing a software or a centralized application. This is because dApps have their very own sequential phase as well as time frames.

Some of the steps include:

Step One

In developing a dApp, the first step you will be embarking on in the process is to identify the exact business use practically. And, the ideal way to begin is to note down the issue and critically analyze if decentralization is the best way to solve it.

You should bear in mind that Blockchain usually comes with about five benefits which include:

  1. Immutability
  2. It is coded
  3. Decentralization
  4. Tokenization, and;
  5. Distribution

So, if you are thinking about an issue that you want to be resolved, about two of the components, as mentioned above, should be among your resolution. Ask yourself if you will need either encryptions, immutability or if you want the data to be distributed or decentralized.

Step Two

The next step you will follow is to build a POC; Proof of Concept. This is done for your stakeholders to have an understanding of your concept. Once you have created the POC and shown it to the ideal people, you will need to build technical and visual designs.

Furthermore, you should endeavor to keep your POC quite small if you want to develop a smart contract or even user interface in demonstrating how the end to end cycle will function. Make sure that it does not take more than two to four weeks to round up this POC cycle.

Step Three

Once the POC is finished, you can begin working on the technical and visual structures and identify yet again what this platform of yours is going to look like. Note that, the technological aspect of the dApp development is highly crucial

This is because there are diverse DLT; distributed ledger technology platforms all over the Ecosystem.

You will have to make sure you have selected the ideal platform, and this is based on what you require for scalability, speed, consensus mechanism, and the private or public network operations.

Step Four

When the development is finally finished, you will take the step to launch it on a test network. As a dApp developer, you must endeavor to crucially scrutinize the code tediously and repair any errors or bugs before you go live with your dApp.

Step Five

At this stage, you are free to launch your dApp after you have thoroughly tested the functionalities and code. Bear in mind that, there is no room for any form of error in the production process.

And, it differs from the common app development wherein you can simply write the code and deploy the application and even update it whenever you want to.

Essentials Of dApps

Since we have addressed the issue on how you can develop a dApp, you can as well give it a shot. However, if you feel you are not so much of a creative genius and have no smart dApp idea, you can participate in the initial coin offerings of dApps.

Note that, ether is known as the Cryptocurrency fuel for operating smart contracts on the Ethereum network. All of these virtual tokens are pegged to any asset, but they are still very much valuable due to their special concept and the technology that backs them

Furthermore, the value of these virtual tokens keeps on fluctuating, and this is based on just how much people tend to value the application involved.

Why Blockchain dApps Are Better Than Normal Games

It has been argued over time that these Blockchain dApps are far better than the common games we are used to. Some of the reasons are because:

  • Differing from the common video games, you get to owe the products you purchased for your game. Also, the Blockchain is in control of every operation being carried out
  • You do not have to invest your money in a bid for you to begin earning, and you can as well earn Cryptocurrency too.
  • Everything is in your hands as no one can influence all of your chances of winning. All that it entails is you and the skills you have for gaming. The better you actually play, the more you can earn
  • Trading is involved, and with this, there are more chances of earning.
  • Bear in mind that competition is quite low and you are liable to make good profit for being an expert.
  • The numbers of dApp users will continually grow when compared with that of traders.
The Ethereum Network

The Ethereum Network

As a popular platform, Ethereum allows developers to create and easily deploy dApps like smart contracts, and other challenging legal and monetary applications.

Ethereum can be easily thought of to be a programmable Bitcoin wherein developers can utilize the Blockchain to build shared ledgers, markets, computerized organizations, and any other infinite possibilities that require agreements and immutable data.

Ethereum was launched in 2014, and it is the brainchild of Vitalik Buterin, a prodigy. He saw the prospective usage of bitcoin’s Blockchain innovation as the next desired step to further the growth of the Blockchain sphere.

Currently, Ethereum is the virtual currency with the second biggest coin market capitalization. People believe that it will surpass Bitcoin as not just the most prominent digital coin but also as a valued investment.

Additionally, Bitcoin keeps a list of transactions and balances on its underlying Blockchain, while for Ethereum, its Blockchain is structured to keep diverse data types.

However, this data can only be accessed and utilized via digital programs operating on the Blockchain of Ethereum. The programs are referred to as decentralized apps.

The purpose of these decentralized applications is to;

  • Enhance the finance industries, and;
  • Store personal information, etc.

Advantages Of Ethereum

The platform greatly benefits from each of the properties of the Blockchain innovation that it is operated upon. Ethereum is entirely immune to the interventions of intermediaries.

This implies that every dApp and DAO deployed in the system cannot be regulated or controlled by any central authority.

The Blockchain network is created around a consensus principle. This means that every node in the network must agree on all the changes carried out within the system.

With this, the possibilities of fraudulent activities and corruption are erased. This makes the network to be majorly tamper-proof. The entire platform is decentralized, and this implies that there is no possibility of a point of failure.

For this, every app is always online and can never switch off. However, the decentralized nature of Ethereum and its encoded security has made the Ethereum network well secured against any hacking or fraudulent activity.

To Wrap It Up

There are diverse ways in which both Bitcoin and Ethereum are similar to each other. Basically, it is a peer to peer public network or Blockchain and has its own digital currency, which is known as Ether.

The key purpose of Ethereum is to practically be the platform on which smart contracts can be created and operated. Simply put, the platform was built with the primary intention of being a world computer.



Norkūnas Deividas
The Dark Side
Writer for

Co-Founder & CTO at Heroes of Ether