Why There Is A High-Risk Everything Will Crash In 2022

Probably the biggest crash ever.

Razvan Tomegea
The Dark Side


Photo by Ussama Azam on Unsplash

If you have not seen the movie The Big Short, I invite you to go and watch it. Also, if you have not seen “How The Economic Machine Works” by Ray Dalio, I strongly recommend you watch it.

We are in an everything bubble, that is for sure. How do I know this? By looking at some fundamental market indicators and at the overall economy. We are at the end of a big cycle like in 1929 before the Great Depression.


The thing is, our economy went to hell because of the pandemic, and we have not recovered. Even though now we have begun to travel again, people are not spending like they used to. This rhymes with what happened after World War I.

If you think the pandemic is over, think again. We will probably see another lockdown during cold periods. We have relaxed this summer because of vaccinations, but the percentage is still low. In Romania, less than 30% are vaccinated.


Stimulus after stimulus. The US and EU have been printing money like never before. Trillions of dollars and euros were printed this year and last year. This caused all prices to go up.



Razvan Tomegea
The Dark Side

I write Lifestyle articles, mainly Health, Fitness, Life Hacks, and Personal Finance.