How Enterprise Blockchain Is Reshaping Finance Industry

The Tesseract Academy
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2022

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Decentralization and peer-to-peer exchanges, made possible by blockchain and distributed ledger technology, are increasing the efficiency of financial transactions around the world today. These technologies have successfully enabled fast payment options across the globe and have shown to be quite effective in streamlining conventional transaction processes.

Banks and financial sectors continue to account for the vast majority of blockchain deployments today, primarily for clearing settlements, cross-border payments, and digital identity management. This is despite the fact that blockchain development services evolved with smart contracts several years ago, opening the door for blockchain to be deployed across a wider variety of industries. By the end of 2030, banks will be able to save up to USD 27 billion on cross-border settlement transactions thanks to blockchain deployments, which will result in a more than 11% reduction in expenses.


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Key Benefits Of Enterprise Blockchain for Finance

By building bridges based on transparency, security, and trust with other organizations, industries, and economies throughout the world, dedicated blockchain enterprise platforms have the potential to alter how enterprises operate globally.

The following are a few advantages that blockchain can offer to present-day firms and their value chains:

Regarding Privacy, Trust and Transparency

All participants in a business network can cooperate, come to agreements, and manage specific data while upholding integrity and confidentiality thanks to the shared and unchangeable source of truth.


Due to its distributed architecture, which eliminates the need for data brokers. It is more difficult to manipulate or hack because it is impervious to fraud and hostile outsiders.

Smart Contracts

Blockchain technology enables the application and automation of business logic through coding, validating each stage of the business process with precision, security, and step-by-step oversight.

High Performance

The contemporary private blockchain platforms are designed to withstand periodic spikes in network traffic as well as hundreds of transactions per second.

Use Cases Of Finance Enterprise Blockchain

For years, several businesses have investigated the benefits of blockchain. While most organizations are still in the testing stage and have not yet released any production-ready products, the technology foundations do offer latent revolutionary potential.

Transparency, visibility, and traceability are a few very helpful advantages of using blockchain. These advantages and their accessibility are already having an effect on even the tiniest suppliers (for example, fishing operations, coffee growers, and mining operations). Other recent usage include:

Health Care

Currently, the majority of hospitals operate in isolation and must contact other hospitals for help if they run out of beds or equipment. Using blockchain, it is possible to create a network of hospitals that communicates data about their equipment and vacant beds. It can also be used to monitor the consumption of prescription medications that may be obtained illegally. For these uses, BurstIQ has grown to be a well-liked blockchain platform.

Supply Chain

Blockchain can be used to track and coordinate changes in a supply line in supply chain management. For many firms, supply chain management is a critical requirement, and traceability is a significant flaw in the established procedure. Blockchain technology makes the supply chain process transparent and enables businesses to track their products from the point of origin to the final destination. (IBM Food Trust offers one method of tracking food in a supply chain that uses distinctive barcodes.)

Real Estate

Real estate agencies have found that using blockchain helps them maximize earnings. Because of the current lack of transparency, transactions take longer to complete and fraud is possible. (Papers proving ownership of real estate can be fabricated.) Blockchain can offer a reliable, verifiable ownership trace. Construction and property management are other uses for it.

Power Distribution

The main source of energy for many of the instruments and gadgets in our environment is electricity. The wholesale distribution of electricity, peer-to-peer energy trading, and home solar energy sales to the grid could all be enhanced by blockchain technology. (Grid+ supports peer-to-peer energy trade and wholesale energy distribution utilizing blockchain technology.)

Banking and Finance

These sectors have been at the forefront of adopting blockchain technology. Banks may automate and improve banking procedures using blockchain technology to give customers a smooth experience. The open-source movement known as decentralised finance (DeFi) has fundamentally altered the way financial apps function.

Government Services

Many governments are rigid when it comes to reform. Politicians who have held their jobs for a while get used to the status quo and become fearful of change they don’t understand. The politicians who speak for the wealthy and who also dread change are another option. But Switzerland has managed to get beyond them and is already making use of blockchain platforms’ advantages. They started utilizing it for online voting in 2018. The Swiss city of Zug has begun storing the identities, tax returns, and other valuable information of its citizens in a blockchain system that is easily accessible to the relevant parties and cannot be altered by outside sources.

What Next?

Blockchain technology was originally developed as a means to trade Bitcoin securely, but it has since evolved into something much more than that. Blockchain has the ability to transform financial operations by bringing control benefits and cost savings. From cash to procure-to-pay, accounts receivable, accounts payable, general ledger, reconciliation, and even payroll, it is a fresh catalyst for improvement.

The next frontier in blockchain lies in Web3.0, play2earn, DeFi and the metaverse. If you want to learn more about these technologies, make sure to check out the Tesseract Academy‘s page, or simply get in touch.

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