Basic Security Practices for SQLite: Safeguarding Your Data

Stephen Collins
The Deep Hub
Published in
8 min readFeb 3, 2024

SQLite, a lightweight and widely-used database engine, offers convenience and simplicity for many applications, but as with any data storage solution, security is paramount. This post provides a basic introduction into some essential security practices for SQLite, particularly focusing on the unique challenges of storing sensitive data such as vector embeddings.

Understanding SQLite’s Security Context

SQLite, unlike more robust database systems like MySQL or PostgreSQL, does not offer built-in user authentication or network encryption. This means the primary line of defense for an SQLite database is the security of the file system and the host environment.

File System Security

To safeguard your SQLite database, implementing robust file system security is essential. The database, stored as a single file (e.g., example.db), should be meticulously protected to ensure that only authorized users and services have access. Here's a step-by-step guide to secure your SQLite database on a Linux-based system:

Change Ownership: Assign the database file to a specific user and group to restrict access. For example, to change the ownership of example.db to the user dbuser and group dbgroup, execute:

sudo chown dbuser:dbgroup example.db

Set Permissions: Limit the file’s permissions to ensure that only the owner can read and write, safeguarding against unauthorized access. To set these permissions:

sudo chmod 600 example.db

This command ( chmod 600) ensures that example.db is only accessible by dbuser, preventing other users from reading, writing, or executing the file.

Verify Permissions: Confirm the file’s security settings with:

ls -l example.db

The output will display the file’s permissions, owner, and group, indicating that it is properly secured (e.g., -rw------- 1 dbuser dbgroup).

Accessing the Secured Database: Once your database file is secure, access it by ensuring operations are performed with the correct user permissions. Here’s how:

From the command line: Switch to `dbuser` using `su — dbuser` or execute commands directly with `sudo -u dbuser <command>`. To interact with the database, use the SQLite CLI:

sqlite3 example.db

Through a Script: When accessing via a script, such as a Python script querying the database, ensure it’s executed by `dbuser`:

sudo -u dbuser python3

This ensures the script adheres to the set file permissions, maintaining database security.

Host Environment Security

Securing the host environment is equally important. This includes regular updates to the operating system and software, using firewalls to restrict unauthorized access, and employing antivirus and anti-malware solutions.

Encrypting SQLite Database

SQLite, while versatile and easy to use, does not include built-in support for encryption, leaving the data at rest potentially vulnerable. To address this, external tools such as the SQLite Encryption Extension (SEE) or open-source projects like SQLCipher can be employed to encrypt the database file. This process can be achieved through the following steps:

  1. Select an Encryption Library: SQLCipher is a popular choice for adding encryption to SQLite databases. It provides transparent 256-bit AES encryption, ensuring that your data is secure at rest. However, using SQLCipher involves compiling the library yourself, which may require a significant effort, and relying on a third-party company to maintain the fork.
  2. Encrypt the Database File: Using SQLCipher, you can encrypt your database at the time of creation or convert an existing database into an encrypted format. For new databases, encryption is done by setting a passphrase with SQLCipher’s PRAGMA key command upon opening a connection. Existing databases can be encrypted by exporting the data to a new, encrypted database file using SQLCipher's migration commands.
  3. Secure Decryption Key Management: The security of your encryption is only as good as the security of your decryption keys. It is critical to store these keys securely, outside of the application’s source code. Environment variables, AWS Key Management Service (KMS), HashiCorp Vault, or similar key management services offer robust solutions for storing, managing, and dynamically accessing cryptographic keys.

Alternative to Full Database Encryption: Encrypting Sensitive Data Before Storage

When the encryption of an entire SQLite database isn’t practical or desired, a viable alternative is to encrypt specific pieces of sensitive data before they are inserted into the database. This method allows for the selective protection of data, such as personal identifiers, financial information, or any other data deemed sensitive, without the need to encrypt the entire database file.

Encrypting Data Before Insertion

This strategy involves encrypting individual data elements using cryptographic libraries before inserting them into the SQLite database. Here’s how you can implement this approach:

Select a Cryptographic Library: Choose a cryptographic library that is compatible with your application’s programming language. Libraries such as OpenSSL, Libsodium, or language-specific options like the cryptography package for Python, provide robust encryption functionalities to secure data.

Encrypt Sensitive Data: Before inserting sensitive data into the database, use the selected cryptographic library to encrypt this data. For instance, if you’re storing personal user information, encrypt these details at the application level before the database insertion process using the Python cryptography package:

 from cryptography.fernet import Fernet

# Generate a key and instantiate a Fernet instance
key = Fernet.generate_key()
cipher_suite = Fernet(key)

# Encrypt data
encrypted_data = cipher_suite.encrypt(b"Sensitive Data")

# Data is now encrypted and can be stored in the SQLite database

Secure Key Management: The security of encrypted data is highly dependent on how the encryption keys are managed. Do not store these keys within the application code. Instead, use secure storage solutions like environment variables, AWS Key Management Service (KMS), HashiCorp Vault, or similar services to manage the encryption keys.

Decrypt Data When Accessed: When retrieving the encrypted data from the database, decrypt it at the application level using the same cryptographic library and the securely stored key.

 # Decrypt data
decrypted_data = cipher_suite.decrypt(encrypted_data)

# Data is now decrypted and can be used within the application

Secure Software Development Practices

When integrating SQLite into your application, follow secure coding practices:

SQL Injection Prevention

Use parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection attacks. This involves using placeholders for parameters in your SQL statements, preventing attackers from injecting malicious code.

Input Validation

Always validate and sanitize input data before processing. This reduces the risk of malicious data compromising the database.

Storing Vector Embeddings Securely with SQLite and sqlite-vss

Vector embeddings, crucial in machine learning and AI applications, embody intricate data relationships and potentially hold sensitive information. The integration of these embeddings into SQLite databases, especially with the aid of the sqlite-vss extension requires a strategic approach that balances security with operational efficiency (More info on my blog post tutorial about sqlite-vss).

Data Serialization and Storage with sqlite-vss

The sqlite-vss extension revolutionizes how vector embeddings are serialized and stored within SQLite. Unlike traditional methods that might rely on JSON or binary formats, sqlite-vss enables the direct storage of high-dimensional vectors in a manner optimized for both space and retrieval performance.

Efficient Retrieval with sqlite-vss

sqlite-vss not only simplifies the storage of vector embeddings but also supercharges the retrieval process:

Vector Similarity Search: Leveraging the capabilities of sqlite-vss, you can execute vector similarity searches directly within your SQLite database. This feature is invaluable for applications requiring fast and accurate retrieval of similar embeddings, such as recommendation systems or semantic search applications.

Example of Vector Similarity Query: This SQL snippet demonstrates how to query the ten most similar vectors to a given input vector, utilizing the vss_search and vss_distance functions provided by sqlite-vss. The direct manipulation of vectors within SQL queries represents a significant advancement in database capabilities for handling complex AI and machine learning data structures.

  SELECT id, vector
FROM vector_table
WHERE vss_search(vector, ?)
ORDER BY vss_distance(vector, ?)

Security Considerations

While sqlite-vss focuses on the efficient handling of vector embeddings, security remains a paramount concern, especially when dealing with sensitive information:

  • Encryption at Rest: Ensure that the SQLite database file itself is encrypted, using tools like SQLCipher, to protect against unauthorized access. While sqlite-vss optimizes for performance, combining it with database-level encryption offers a balanced approach to security and efficiency.
  • Access Control: To safeguard your SQLite database, especially when it contains sensitive vector embeddings, it’s essential to implement robust access control measures. These can include configuring file system permissions to restrict database file access and deploying the virtual machine hosting the SQLite database within a private subnet of a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Such strategies are fundamental in preventing unauthorized data access or manipulation.

Regular Backups and Testing for SQLite Databases

Implementing a robust backup and disaster recovery strategy is crucial for safeguarding your SQLite database against data loss and ensuring business continuity. Here’s how to approach backups and testing specifically:

1. Secure Backup Procedures

Backing up your SQLite database involves more than just copying the database file. To ensure that your backups are both secure and effective, follow these detailed steps:

  • Automated Backups: Automate the backup process to occur at regular intervals using scripts or database management tools. For SQLite, this can be as simple as copying the database file to a backup location, but automation ensures that backups are never overlooked.
  • Encryption of Backup Files: Encrypt the backup files using encryption tools like GPG or OpenSSL before storing them, especially if the backup is stored offsite or in the cloud. This step adds a layer of security, protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access.
  • Offsite and Cloud Storage: Store backups in an offsite location or cloud storage (e.g., AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage) to protect against physical disasters. Ensure that cloud storage buckets are secured and access is tightly controlled.
  • Retention Policy: Implement a retention policy for backups to manage storage space effectively. Keep several recent backups, as well as less frequent older backups, to ensure you can recover from both recent and past incidents.

2. Disaster Recovery Planning

A comprehensive disaster recovery plan outlines the steps to restore operations after a database failure or data loss. Here are the specifics for implementing a disaster recovery plan for an SQLite database:

  • Documentation: Clearly document the disaster recovery process, including steps to restore the database from a backup, contact information for responsible personnel, and any necessary access credentials or keys for encrypted backups.
  • Restore Testing: Regularly test the restore process from backups to ensure that they are reliable and that the recovery procedure is well-understood and documented. This testing can be automated or performed manually at set intervals.
  • Recovery Time Objectives (RTO): Define your RTO, which is the maximum acceptable length of time your database can be offline. This will help determine the required frequency of backups and the urgency of restoring operations.
  • Recovery Point Objectives (RPO): Determine your RPO, the maximum acceptable amount of data loss measured in time. This influences how often you need to perform backups to minimize potential data loss.


While SQLite offers simplicity and ease of use, it requires careful consideration of security practices, especially when dealing with potentially sensitive data like vector embeddings. By securing the file system and host environment, encrypting the database, following secure coding practices, and implementing robust backup and recovery procedures, you can significantly enhance the security of your SQLite database.

Remember, the key to effective database security, regardless of the system, lies in a proactive approach. Regularly review and update your security practices to address emerging threats and vulnerabilities. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your SQLite database remains a secure and reliable component of your software ecosystem.

Originally published at



Stephen Collins
The Deep Hub

Sharing what I've learned about working with AI and writing software over the past 10 years.