Effective Soft Skills Tools That Will Make You An Efficient GIS Data Scientist.

Stephen Chege-Tierra Insights
The Deep Hub
Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2024
Created by the author with DALL E-3

In the ever-changing field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data science, efficiency is key. As specialists in this sector, we are continually looking for methods to improve procedures, increase productivity, and ultimately provide more effective insights from spatial data.

To achieve these objectives, it is critical to use high-performance social skills designed expressly for GIS data research projects. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just getting started in this exciting profession, the correct social tools may boost your efforts and allow you to tackle complicated challenges with precision and speed.

In this guide, we’ll explore a curated selection of top-tier social skills designed to elevate your GIS data science endeavors. Get ready to supercharge your GIS data science journey as we delve into the world of high-performance social skills.

Who Exactly is a GIS Data Scientist?

Carto defines GIS Data Science as a subset of Data Science that focuses on the specific qualities of spatial data, rather than merely looking at where things happen to understand why they do. GDS treats position, distance, and spatial interactions as core data elements, analyzing, visualizing, and applying learnings to spatial use cases.

GIS Data scientists utilize technologies like as R and Python to clean, collect, and modify data to generate prediction models and analytics. A GIS data scientist’s primary responsibility is to convert raw data into useful insights using advanced approaches.

What does a GIS Data Scientist work with?

1.Spatial Data information- This includes Vector data consisting of points, lines, and polygons that represent geographic elements like roads, buildings, and administrative boundaries. Raster data is gridded data that depicts continuous surfaces such as height, land cover, and satellite photography.

2. Geographic Information Systems platforms- These are the software and tools used to collect, store, manage, analyze, and visualize spatial data. Arcmap, ArgGispro, Qgis and R are some of the perfect platforms to perform GIS tasks. Also, Tools such as ENVI, Erdas Imagine, and Orfeo Toolbox for processing and analyzing satellite and aerial imagery.

3. Geospatial analysis-This is the process of investigating, modelling, and interpreting patterns and correlations in spatial data, commonly using AI and machine learning techniques. Python, Google Earth Engine and R studios can facilitate this task.

4. Data visualization- This is the presentation of geospatial data in a visual manner, such as maps, charts, or 3D models. Visualizing data is an important task for GIS data scientists as it helps you make sense of raw data and turn it into useful information.

What soft skills do you need?

Soft skills are personality qualities and interpersonal abilities that determine a person’s ability to interact effectively with others. They play a crucial part in becoming a geospatial data scientist. Soft skills are viewed as a supplement to hard skills, which pertain to a person’s knowledge and occupational abilities.

Soft skills needed include

1 .Problem-solving- Problem solving skills enable you to identify the root of an issue and devise an appropriate solution. Problem-solving is an essential skill that enables individuals and organizations to overcome obstacles and achieve their objectives. Whether you’re dealing with a hard coding challenge at work or attempting to solve a project related problem using a script, having an organized approach will significantly improve your problem-solving ability to grasp and quickly execute a data science project.

2. Ability to learn new things- To be an effective GDS, one needs to have a passion for learning new concepts, I mean this has to be second nature as Data science is a broad topic. Learning is something you have to be doing.

3. The power of collaboration- GIS data scientists usually work in interdisciplinary teams with experts from many domains such as geography, ecology, urban planning, and computer science. Collaboration skills are essential for forming teams, exchanging knowledge, and employing diverse perspectives to solve tough spatial problems.

4. Proper time management- In life, you have two major assets, time and money- GIS projects frequently entail various activities and deadlines, necessitating strong time management abilities to prioritize work, assign resources, and accomplish project objectives. Effective time management ensures that GIS data scientists complete projects on schedule and under budget.

5. Be Teachable- Being teachable is how we grow. It is the superpower that allows us to take the insights and experiences of others and use them to transform our lives in powerful ways. With this ever-changing digital landscape, being teachable is what is going to set you apart from the rest as a GDS, finding a mentor who has already been there and done that will benefit you in so many ways.

6. Clear communication- Effective communication is critical for GIS data scientists when conveying complicated technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders. This includes clear and succinct verbal communication, as well as the ability to express ideas in written reports, presentations, and documents. Can you understand and execute a code with ease, that is what communication entails.


Soft skills are very important to have in any sector and geospatial data science is no different. Have these traits and you are on your way to becoming an effective geospatial data scientist, anybody can possess these skills you do not have to enrol in a 3-year program to learn time management, start by acting now and wherever you are.

