Embracing Change: How Organizations Can Support Employees Amidst the AI Boom.

Stephen Chege-Tierra Insights
The Deep Hub
Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2024
Created by the author with DALL E-3

“AI is going to take our jobs, AI is going to leave us unemployed soon”, I am sure you have been hearing these statements in the last year or so. But is that the case, what can you do to ensure that the Artificial intelligence boom does not render you unemployed?

The AI boom is here, with such language models like Geminin and ChatGpt causing waves in the technology community, these AI models have been poised to replace certain jobs because of their effectiveness, especially professional jobs like Finance, media, software development and content creation.

But does that have to be the case? Can organizations help their employees become AI experts? In this piece, we’ll look at how companies can aid their workers embrace the AI boom by busting myths about job loss and putting the importance on ways to develop employees’ AI knowledge instead. Companies may decrease the possible undesirable effects of AI and position themselves and their staff as leaders in the AI-driven future by investing in training, inspiring a culture of continuous learning, and providing essential resources.

Is There an Imminent Threat That AI Will Take Our Jobs?

Profs. Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne of the University of Oxford published a paper in 2013 that scrutinized the possible inferences of mechanization and computerization on employment. There has been a persistent worry that AI would take our jobs, but to what extent? Using information from numerous sources, they created a model that predicted that, in ten to twenty years, 47% of all jobs in the US will be susceptible to computer replacement.

On the plus side, AI is undoubtedly generating jobs. This is evident in new fields like data science and AI ethics as well as in enterprises that require AI specialists to develop, maintain, and advance relevant technologies. On the other hand, a new analysis from Goldman Sachs claims that the legal, IT, and banking sectors are among those that AI is targeting.

When it’s all said and done, it would be retrogressive if AI rendered people unemployed as it would cause a global disaster which the world does not need right now, Hence, how can organizations prevent this from happening, and make sure that we all benefit from AI?

How Organizations Can Help?

1. On the Job Training- On-the-job training is a method to attain the proficiency, and skills essential to ace a job in the AI working environment. This will go a long way in ensuring your employees are well vast with the details of AI.

2. Attending AI-related events- Many AI-related events are being organized, both remote and physically- encourage employees to attend these events- the organization can also create in-house online events discussing the impact of AI and the organization.

3. Have AI meeting briefs- Once in a while, have brief meetings to discuss about how AI is disrupting your industry, you could rely on news organizations to channel this information to your employees. Also, encourage them to catch up on AI news.

4. Encourage the use of AI products- Encourage the use of Chatgpt, Geminie and other AI language models in your workflow, by doing this, your employees will be conversant with AI products. As the saying goes, the people using AI will not be disrupted.

5. Stress the value of AI- Explain its implications and how it will impact the workforce. People who lack knowledge about AI may not understand the necessity to embrace it, so you must prod them to learn more about it.


In conclusion, AI has proven not to be a passing cloud- it’s here to stay for a long hole, the workforce will face both potentials and problems as artificial intelligence (AI) grows. While some people might be concerned about how AI can affect work and job security, it’s important to identify the revolutionary possibilities that AI offers and the impending disruption that is coming. By implementing AI technologies, people and businesses can open up new opportunities for creativity, productivity, and expansion.

It is impossible to exaggerate AI’s significance at times. It has the bulk to transform entire sectors, optimize workflows, and open up fresh prospects for value generation. However, achieving these advantages calls for proactive learning, adaptability, and teamwork. Businesses need to spend money on upskilling and training initiatives if they want their staff to fully utilize AI. In a world that is always changing, people also need to adopt an attitude of lifelong learning and discovery. AI is here!

