Finch: Latest Programming Language developed by MIT

Kiran Maan
The Deep Hub
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2024

As a programmer, I always look for exciting new tools. Today I learned about Finch, the latest programming language MIT developed (released in May 2024).

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Designed to tackle the challenges of working with structured data, Finch promises a unique blend of flexibility and efficiency.

But does it live up to the hype?

Let’s explore what Finch offers and the potential drawbacks for developers.

My first impression of Finch

Finch’s syntax clearly shows its Smalltalk, Javascript, and Self past.

With well-known constructs like for loops and if-conditions readily present, the code feels clear and expressive.

This familiarity reduces the initial learning curve, particularly for individuals who have worked with object-oriented programming languages.

Finch’s robust support for structured arrays is a noteworthy aspect that caught my eye.

You can work with these complex structures with ease with Finch, unlike standard languages that struggle with sparse or run-length encoded data. This results in code that is both efficient and concise.

Benefits of Finch

In addition to its simple syntax, Finch offers some amazing technical benefits:

1. Automatic Specialization: Finch’s compiler uses an amazing method to adapt programs to the data structures they work with. This accelerates execution times and drastically lowers overhead.
2. Smooth Control Flow: Finch is very good at combining data structures and control flow. Strong structured data manipulation is made possible by this integrated method without compromising readability.

Because of these characteristics, Finch is an attractive option for developers working in image processing, scientific computing, and other fields where structured data is crucial.

What Developers Might Find Frustrating (For Now)

Finch is promising, but it’s critical to recognize its limitations.

Finch is still a relatively new language, thus it doesn’t have the deep ecosystem that more experienced developers may be used to.

Currently under development libraries, tools, and frameworks make it less appropriate for large-scale projects.

Furthermore, the neighborhood where Finch lives is still developing. This implies that, in comparison to established languages, solving issues or working together on projects may be more difficult.

You can also watch my YouTube video:

My experience with Finch has been good. The language is well-designed and provides a novel approach to working with structured data.

Finch is something to keep an eye on if you’re an adventurous programmer interested in the possibility of a new paradigm for manipulating structured data.

The language has the potential to develop into a useful tool in the toolbox of programmers as its community expands and becomes more mature.



Kiran Maan
The Deep Hub

✦ web developer ✦ MCA in web development ✦ Love to talk about Technology, AI and Programming tips and tricks