If Data Had Mass, the Earth Would Become a Black Hole: How Artificial Intelligence Enables Knowledge to Escape


Everton Gomede, PhD
The Deep Hub
Published in
6 min readApr 13, 2024


Please note that the content provided here is not intended to be a technical or scientific essay. It is a reflective exploration, an imaginative exercise that delves into the metaphorical implications of data possessing mass and the role of artificial intelligence in managing this data. This creative interpretation aims to provoke thought and discussion on the subject rather than a rigorous scientific analysis.

Keywords: Data Gravity Concept; Artificial Intelligence Information Management; Data Overload and AI Solutions; AI in Data Analysis Visualization; Knowledge Escape and AI Technology.


In an era where every click, swipe, and keystroke generates a sliver of data, a fascinating hypothesis emerges: if data has mass, could the overwhelming influx transform Earth into a black hole of information? While scientifically speculative, this notion serves as a vivid metaphor for the potentially overwhelming power of accumulated data. Yet, amidst these cosmic concerns, artificial intelligence (AI) is a beacon, guiding us through this dense information fog. How, then, can AI act as the light of knowledge, helping us navigate and harness the immense potential of our data-driven universe?



Everton Gomede, PhD
The Deep Hub

Postdoctoral Fellow Computer Scientist at the University of British Columbia creating innovative algorithms to distill complex data into actionable insights.