Introduction to NLP

Chandu Aki
The Deep Hub
Published in
8 min readFeb 14, 2024

What is NLP?

Natural Language Processing, or NLP, is a field at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), and linguistics.

  • It focuses on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language.
  • The goal is to enable computers to understand, interpret, and generate human languages in a valuable way.
  • Understanding human-computer interaction in the context of NLP involves developing algorithms and systems that can process and make sense of human language.
  • This includes everything from simple tasks like converting speech to text, to more complex ones like understanding the emotions behind text or generating human-like responses to questions.

Why is NLP important?

Natural language processing (NLP) is critical to fully and efficiently analyze text and speech data. It can work through the differences in dialects, slang, and grammatical irregularities typical in day-to-day conversations.

Companies use it for several automated tasks, such as to:

  • Process, analyze, and archive large documents
  • Analyze customer feedback or call center recordings
  • Run chatbots for automated customer service
  • Answer who-what-when-where questions
  • Classify and extract text

Real-world examples of NLP

  • Voice-activated assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant.
  • Translation services like Google Translate.
  • Sentiment analysis used by businesses to gauge public opinion on products or services.
  • Chatbots providing customer service or assistance on websites.
  • Autocorrect and predictive typing features on smartphones and computers

History and Evolution of NLP

The history of NLP is a tale of the quest to make computers understand human language. Early efforts were rule-based, relying on sets of hand-coded rules to parse and interpret text. However, these systems were limited by their inability to handle the vast variability and complexity of human language.

  • Rule-based systems: Early NLP systems in the 1950s and 1960s relied on complex rules crafted by linguists. These systems were good at handling structured queries but struggled with the nuances and variations of natural language.
  • Statistical methods: By the late 1980s and 1990s, NLP began to incorporate statistical models, marking a shift from rule-based to machine learning approaches. This allowed for more flexible interpretation of language by analyzing large datasets to find patterns.
  • The role of AI in NLP’s evolution: The rise of AI and deep learning has significantly accelerated NLP’s capabilities. Modern NLP systems use neural networks and deep learning models to perform tasks like machine translation, sentiment analysis, and question-answering with unprecedented accuracy. This evolution from rule-based systems to AI-driven approaches has opened up new possibilities for understanding and generating human language.

Applications of NLP

NLP applications are vast and impact many aspects of the digital world, including:

  • Content recommendation systems: Analyzing user preferences and providing personalized content recommendations.
  • Social media monitoring: Using sentiment analysis to track opinions and trends.
  • Email filtering: Identifying and categorizing emails, such as spam detection.
  • Automated summarization: Generating concise summaries of long documents or articles.
  • Language learning apps: Offering grammar and vocabulary assistance.
  • Accessibility tools: Converting text to speech for visually impaired users or speech to text for those with hearing impairments.
  • Speech recognition, also called speech-to-text, is the task of reliably converting voice data into text data. Speech recognition is required for any application that follows voice commands or answers spoken questions. What makes speech recognition especially challenging is the way people talk — quickly, slurring words together, with varying emphasis and intonation, in different accents, and often using incorrect grammar.
  • Part of speech tagging, also called grammatical tagging, is the process of determining the part of speech of a particular word or piece of text based on its use and context. Part of speech identifies ‘make’ as a verb in ‘I can make a paper plane,’ and as a noun in ‘What make of car do you own?’
  • Word sense disambiguation is the selection of the meaning of a word with multiple meanings through a process of semantic analysis that determine the word that makes the most sense in the given context. For example, word sense disambiguation helps distinguish the meaning of the verb ‘make’ in ‘make the grade’ (achieve) vs. ‘make a bet’ (place).*
  • Named entity recognition, or NEM, identifies words or phrases as useful entities. NEM identifies ‘Kentucky’ as a location or ‘Fred’ as a man’s name.
  • Co-reference resolution is the task of identifying if and when two words refer to the same entity. The most common example is determining the person or object to which a certain pronoun refers (e.g., ‘she’ = ‘Mary’), but it can also involve identifying a metaphor or an idiom in the text (e.g., an instance in which ‘bear’ isn’t an animal but a large hairy person).
  • Sentiment analysis attempts to extract subjective qualities — attitudes, emotions, sarcasm, confusion, suspicion — from text.
  • Natural language generation is sometimes described as the opposite of speech recognition or speech-to-text; it’s the task of putting structured information into human language.

NLP Tools and Libraries

  • Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) : A leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data, offering easy-to-use interfaces to over 50 corpora and lexical resources such as WordNet, along with a suite of text processing libraries for classification, tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing, and semantic reasoning.
  • spaCy : An industrial-strength NLP library that provides robust tools for text processing. spaCy is designed for production use and is known for its speed and efficiency. It includes pre-trained statistical models and word vectors, and supports tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, and more.
  • Gensim: Focused on topic modeling and document similarity, Gensim is particularly useful for tasks like Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), and word2vec models. It is designed to handle large text collections with efficiency.
  • Transformers (by Hugging Face): A state-of-the-art library for natural language understanding and generation. It provides thousands of pre-trained models to perform tasks on texts such as classification, information extraction, question answering, summarization, translation, and text generation, using transformer-based models like BERT, GPT, T5, etc.
  • Stanford NLP: A suite of language processing tools for sentiment analysis, pattern recognition, named entity recognition, and part-of-speech tagging, primarily known for its Java-based packages but also provides a Python interface for ease of use.


  • Rule-Based Systems : Early NLP systems relied heavily on hand-written rules for parsing and interpreting text. These systems are great for structured languages and specific tasks where the rules of language are well-defined and don’t vary much.
  • Statistical Methods: The introduction of statistical methods allowed for more flexible language processing based on probability models. Techniques like Naive Bayes, Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), and Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) are examples of statistical approaches used for tasks like speech recognition and part-of-speech tagging.
  • Machine Learning (ML): With the advancement in computational power and data availability, machine learning became a dominant force in NLP, enabling systems to learn from data and improve over time. Support Vector Machines (SVMs), decision trees, and ensemble methods like Random Forests have been applied to various NLP tasks, including text classification and sentiment analysis.
  • Deep Learning: A subset of ML, deep learning uses neural networks with many layers (hence “deep”) to model complex patterns in data. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs), and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are some of the architectures used in NLP for tasks like language modeling, translation, and text generation.
  • Transformers and Attention Mechanisms: Transformers revolutionized NLP by introducing the attention mechanism, which allows models to weigh the importance of different words in a sentence. This approach has led to significant improvements in machine translation, question-answering, and text summarization, with models like BERT, GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), and others offering near-human performance on some tasks.
  • Transfer Learning and Fine-tuning: Transfer learning involves taking a pre-trained model (usually trained on a large dataset) and fine-tuning it for a specific task. This approach has become common in NLP, allowing for high-performing models on tasks with relatively small datasets.

These tools and approaches constitute the core of modern NLP, enabling a wide range of applications from simple text processing to complex language understanding and generation tasks.

Generative AI in NLP

In the landscape of NLP approaches, Generative AI models, such as GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series and others like Gemini Pro, represent a significant advancement in the ability to understand, generate, and interact with human language at a level of sophistication previously unattainable. These models belong to a category of deep learning techniques that have dramatically pushed the boundaries of what’s possible in NLP.


  • OpenAI: GPTs
  • Gemini
  • Open Source Models in HuggingFace & Industry

Impact of Generative AI on NLP

  • Enhanced Language Understanding and Generation: Generative AI models have significantly advanced the field of NLP by demonstrating deep contextual understanding and the ability to generate coherent, nuanced text across various styles and formats.
  • Interdisciplinary Applications: The applications of generative AI in NLP extend beyond traditional text processing and into areas such as psychotherapy (virtual therapists), education (customized learning materials), and entertainment (story and game content generation).
  • Challenges and Considerations: Despite their advancements, generative AI models also bring challenges, including ethical considerations around misinformation, copyright issues, and the need for mechanisms to detect AI-generated text. Additionally, the computational resources required to train and run these models are substantial, raising questions about accessibility and environmental impact.

Generative AI models like GPT and similar advanced systems represent a transformative approach in NLP, offering unparalleled capabilities in language generation and understanding. Their development marks a shift towards more intuitive, human-like interactions with technology, paving the way for innovative applications across various sectors.


Models in Industry

  • BERT, developed by Google
  • DistilBERT, developed by HuggingFace
  • RoBERTa, developed by Facebook
  • GPT-3, GPT-4 , developed by OpenAI
  • XLNet, developed by Google Brain , CMU
  • T5, developed by Google AI
  • ALBERT, developed by Google Research

Notes on Industry Preferences

  • BERT and its Variants (DistilBERT, ALBERT): Due to their deep understanding of context and high performance on a range of NLP tasks, BERT and its variants are popular across many applications. DistilBERT, for example, is particularly attractive for mobile applications and environments with limited computational resources.
  • RoBERTa: Its improvements over BERT make it a strong candidate for any application requiring deep language understanding, especially when improved accuracy over BERT is necessary.
  • GPT-3: Known for its ability to generate coherent, contextually relevant text across various domains, GPT-3 is highly valued for applications that require creative content generation, like marketing content creation, storytelling, or even code generation.
  • XLNet: Its sophisticated approach to understanding language context makes it a powerful tool for comprehensive analysis tasks, such as document summarization or detailed content creation where nuanced understanding is crucial.
  • T5: The versatility of T5’s text-to-text approach makes it a preferred choice for businesses looking for a single model capable of handling multiple NLP tasks efficiently, thereby simplifying the machine learning pipeline.
  • ALBERT: Offers a balance between performance and efficiency, making it suitable for applications where deploying large models might be prohibitive due to resource constraints.



Chandu Aki
The Deep Hub

Aspiring Data Scientist|Dynamic Data Analyst | Sales Analytics Expert | AI & ML , NLP , Generative AI Enthusiast