NLP — Vector Models

Chandu Aki
The Deep Hub
Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2024

Vector models are fundamental to many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, enabling algorithms to understand and process text by converting words into numerical representations. These models capture the semantic information of words, phrases, or documents in a way that computers can interpret. Here’s a structured overview of vector models in NLP, elaborating on the subtopics listed and aligning them with industry standards.

Introduction to Vector Models

Vector models in NLP transform textual information into numerical form or vectors, facilitating a wide range of tasks such as similarity measurement, machine translation, and topic modeling. This transformation is crucial for applying mathematical operations and machine learning algorithms to text data.

What is a Vector?

In the context of NLP, a vector is a mathematical representation of a word, sentence, or document, often in a high-dimensional space. Each dimension corresponds to a feature, such as a specific word in a vocabulary in the case of word vectors, or a particular concept, allowing for the numerical representation and comparison of linguistic items.


Bag of Words (BoW)

  • Definition: A simple representation of text as an unordered collection of words, disregarding grammar and word order but keeping multiplicity.
  • Application: Widely used in document classification, spam filtering, and sentiment analysis.

Count Vectorizer

  • Functionality: Implements the Bag of Words model by converting a collection of text documents into a matrix of token counts. It involves tokenization and can filter out stopwords.
  • Utility: Essential for preprocessing text for machine learning models in applications like email classification and topic discovery.

Vector Similarity

  • Concept: Measures how similar two text documents are in terms of their content. Common metrics include cosine similarity, Euclidean distance, and Jaccard similarity.
  • Use Cases: Used in search engines, plagiarism detection, and recommendation systems to find similar documents or items.

TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency)

  • Explanation: A statistical measure used to evaluate the importance of a word in a document relative to a collection of documents (corpus). It increases proportionally to the number of times a word appears in the document but is offset by the frequency of the word in the corpus.
  • Applications: Enhancing the Bag of Words model, TF-IDF is crucial for information retrieval, document ranking, and feature selection in text classification.

Neural Word Embeddings

  • Overview: Represents words as dense vectors in a continuous vector space where semantically similar words are mapped to proximate points. Models like Word2Vec, GloVe, and FastText are popular.
  • Significance: Allows capturing deeper semantic meanings of words. Used in nearly all sophisticated NLP applications, including language modeling, sentiment analysis, and machine translation.

Types of Vectors in NLP

One-hot Vectors

  • Description: Represent words as binary vectors where 1 indicates the presence of a word in a specific position in the vocabulary, and all other elements are 0.
  • Use Case: Basic tasks like identifying the presence of keywords in documents.
  • Limitation: High dimensionality and inability to capture semantic relationships.

Count Vectors

  • Description: Extend one-hot encoding by counting the frequency of each word in the document, resulting in vectors that represent the document based on word counts.
  • Use Case: Document classification, where the frequency of certain words can be indicative of document topics or categories.
  • Technique: Often generated using tools like CountVectorizer in Python’s scikit-learn library

TF-IDF Vectors

  • Description: Weight word frequency by the inverse frequency of the word across documents, highlighting words that are unique to a document.
  • Use Case: Information retrieval and text mining to rank the importance of words within documents relative to a corpus.
  • Technique: Utilized in search engines and document similarity measures.

Word Embeddings (Dense Vectors)

  • Description: Represent words as dense vectors of fixed size, derived from neural network models, capturing semantic relationships between words.
  • Sub-types: Word2Vec, Glove
  • Word2Vec: Uses contexts to predict a target word (CBOW) or uses a word to predict a context (Skip-gram).
  • GloVe: Based on word co-occurrence matrices, emphasizing word relationships.
  • Use Case: Essential for tasks requiring an understanding of word meanings and contexts, such as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and machine translation.

Document Embeddings

  • Description: Aggregate word embeddings to represent larger text units like sentences, paragraphs, or entire documents.
  • Sub-types:Doc2Vec, BERT
  • Doc2Vec: An extension of Word2Vec that learns fixed-length feature representations from variable-length pieces of texts.
  • BERT Embeddings: Derived from the BERT model, capturing deep contextual relationships between words.
  • Use Case: Text classification, document clustering, and information retrieval where understanding the overall semantic content is crucial.

Contextual Embeddings

  • Description: Generated by models like BERT, ELMO, and GPT, these embeddings represent words as vectors that change based on the word’s context in a sentence.
  • Use Case: Highly effective in disambiguating word meanings in different contexts, improving performance on a wide range of tasks including question answering and language inference.

Techniques for Generating and Utilizing Vectors

  • Neural Network Models: Techniques like back propagation in networks (e.g., CNNs, RNNs) to learn word embeddings.
  • Matrix Factorization: Used in GloVe, where factorization of word co-occurrence matrices reveals significant relationships.
  • Attention Mechanisms: In models like BERT and GPT, attention allows the model to weigh the importance of different words in a sentence when generating embeddings.
  • Fine-tuning Pre-trained Models: Adapting models pre-trained on large datasets to specific tasks by adjusting the final layers to new data, preserving the rich linguistic representations learned from the larger corpus.



Chandu Aki
The Deep Hub

Aspiring Data Scientist|Dynamic Data Analyst | Sales Analytics Expert | AI & ML , NLP , Generative AI Enthusiast