Rust — A New Titan in Data Science

Revolutionizing Machine Learning with high-performance computation

The Deep Hub


Image created by the author with DALL-E 3

Table of contents

  1. Data Science landscape
  2. Rust Safety
  3. Rust speed
  4. Rust concurrency
  5. Rust in Data Science
  6. Rust integration with popular frameworks
  7. Conclusion

From its humble beginnings to actuality, the landscape of data science has been marked by a kind of ‘war’ between the different programming languages, each offering unique strengths and satisfying different needs.

At the forefront of this battle are Python and C++, both widely used but for different reasons.

  • Python — for its interpretability and rich ecosystem.
  • C++ — for its speed and efficiency.

But what do these features mean?

Let´s delve a bit deeper to understand them better…

Ideally, a programming language suited for data science should possess several key attributes:

  1. Easy to learn and use, with a straightforward syntax for accessibility.
  2. Excel in handling and processing large…

