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Software Development Framework — V-Model

Verification and Validation Model

Published in
7 min readFeb 3, 2023


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In 1978, Kevin John Forsberg and Harold Mooz proposed a V-Model (Verification Model). It is a software development process model that provides a systematic methodology for software development and testing. It is a well-known test-driven development model that emphasizes testing throughout the development process and is a variant of the waterfall model.

In the traditional development model, such as the waterfall model, the software testing process is usually regarded as a stage after the requirements analysis, general design, detail design, and coding are all completed. Although the software testing workload sometimes will account for half of the entire project cycle, it is still considered the task after the implementation, not the main task. Therefore, the test model has been improved to a certain extent. It reflects the relationship between the development process and the testing process.

The Concept

