Socio-Economic profiling and livelihood mapping of Rishabhdeo Block, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Anshuman Saxena
The Dialogues
Published in
1 min readSep 27, 2016


The real India resides in its villages. Rural development is important for nation’s development and achievement of principles of socio-economic- political equity. Rural development implies raising the standard of living of rural masses. In the era of rising economic inequalities, regional disparities, conflicts and nation wide discontentment regarding what has been done in the name of development since independence, there is a huge need to study critically the institutions working for the upliftment of rural people, the policy for rural roads, agriculture, industries, women, children, education, credit, health etc.

Also there should be zeal among the youth to study rural development as part of pedagogy in colleges, universities. The awareness regarding the rural life has to increased by doing field work and more research in issues pertaining to rural development.

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