Can freedom be attributed to one freedom fighter, why then the currency?

Sundus Usmani
The Dialogues
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2016

With the new currency coming up and the suggestions by a few people if Mahatma Gandhi should be replaced with Sardar Patel or Bhagat Singh, a thought that stuck me-what about a currency with no one’s face on it, i mean no special person’s. Wouldn’t that represent the real change in the country’s approach? When nearly every other country in the world has a picture of someone on their currency, India can take a step ahead to come up with a currency note without any special person’s photo.

That would show that the country does not respect just one of its freedom fighters but, considering the fact that each Indian during his/her lifetime has done something for the goodwill of the country, be it a common man or the freedom fighters, each Indian commands that respect. If Gandhiji or Sardar Patelji played a role in freeing India from the British, so did every man woman and child from those days. Each one of them could not have become leader and might have been on the currency note today, but they participated in the freedom struggle in whichever possible way they could and this does not mean that we do not consider them as a part of the freedom struggle. Also, if people then made Colonial India a Free India, all citizens of India since then have been working to develop India into a better country. So, with a currency with no one’s face on it, we will represent a country by all its people and for all its people in real sense. Why wait for other country to do this and then become their follower. Why not initiate this and represent country’s true essence of equality in this way?

