‘Be Unprecedented…’

The Editor
3 min readApr 6, 2020


I’d like to start with some truisms from two truly profound thinkers;

“Change is the only constant in life.” — Heraclitus, Greek Philosopher 500 BCE

“The current use of the word ‘unprecedented’ is unprecedented.”— Gaz, Boffin 2020 AD

How many times have we heard the word ‘unprecedented’ of late? The use of this word can cause anxiety. Change in itself is often no bad thing when it has been consciously decided upon and certainly when we can relate it to other examples of change that have had a positive outcome. Our current situation with COVID-19 has few reference points to draw on and means we may wonder what we should do next and how things will play out. We all like to feel we can predict the future or at least have an educated guess at it. I’m reminded of the now wise and enduring words of a song from the Frozen 2 soundtrack my 8 year old daughter relentlessly plays on a loop, when faced with uncertainty we must all learn to do ‘the next right thing’! (who knew that would actually be relevant one day).

So as we face this uncertain time what can we do to make things feel a bit more normal and do ‘the next right thing’? We actually all have the ability to make the unprecedented become precedented in a very short time through experimentation. It has to be accepted that this activity can either be successful or unsuccessful. Both are…

