Launching Our Free Training Membership with the Essentials Pack

Brad (Schenck) Caldana
Published in
4 min readJun 24, 2019

We are launching a free set of essential digital strategy classes and resources for all kinds of organizations. We’ve worked in the digital strategy space for nonprofits and campaigns for over a decade now. We’re committed to moving the needle in digital for those doing social good. All too often lack of funding is getting in the way of that. TLDR you can just get the free classes here.

People aren’t funding training

It’s truly hard for me to understand, but I’ve seen it unfold again and again since I stepped into the role of Digital Training Director for the Obama campaign. My original pitch was for a “robust” digital training team of five people to hit the country training staff and volunteers. Even in a campaign that valued training for staff and supporters as one of its core strategies, I stayed a team of one. The trainings I created reached thousands of staff and empowered our digital state teams to be better leaders. But I still wonder — what if we had invested in digital training like we invested in field training? How many more digital leaders could we have developed?

If you know digital for social good you might know that the number of mentors is low, the tech systems and strategies move faster than almost any organization can adapt to, and we have consistent burnout and brain drain as people head to better-resourced companies. You’d think it would lead to more funders and organizations investing in digital training for staff. Yet many organizations are looking for quick wins, and funders want to invest in “sexy” apps instead of the talent to execute and lead.

Building the damn thing

You could say we are working to fill the gap but the truth is we are doing the damn thing. With a handful of others doing full-time digital training, The Digital Plan is committed to building the community of trainers, content, classes, and resources to make sure organizations can succeed. Working every day to be relevant to the people doing the damn thing, in organizations mostly lead by folks who don’t get digital enough to understand how to appropriately invest in it.

We’ve now logged 45 and counting on-demand classes, 2 self-paced courses, a library of resources, and there is a lot more to come. But as we head into year two, we are seeing that the majority of organizations still struggle with the digital strategy fundamentals. So we are giving you free access to these essentials.

The Essentials Pack of on-demand digital classes covers six core topics to help all organizations move the needle on their digital strategy.

Too many organizations don’t have consistent planning systems which is why the Essentials Pack delivers several core planning templates and strategies.

Fundamentals of Digital Strategy

Not to be confused with our course, Fundamentals of Strategic Digital Planning, this is a 60-minute conversation on what is digital strategy. Walking through some of the essentials like separating goals from tactics and the digital engagement cycle.

Digital Project Planning Blueprint

AKA The Digital Plan. This trusted template is used by organizations around the world. This framework is your launchpad, the additional classes we’ve created guide you in taking the framework and filling it with tailored strategies.

Developing a Content Calendar

In the digital era that is driven by content, this really is an organizational must… so, of course, we are making it free. This training and simple template will help your organization solidify its calendaring strategy.

Tagging Library

You can’t build a real email strategy or Matrix of Engagement without a tagging library. Knowing how to use strategic tags in your CRM or database is essential to building a digital strategy over time. This training and template will get you started on the right path.

Email Planning and Blog Planning for Success

Two separate courses. Both will teach you how to develop and utilize consistent templates for planning your email and blogs. Also included is a checklist for email production. Because having the capacity for truly engaging and growth-driving digital strategy is all about having strong systems in place.

And we are just getting started. We’ll be continuing to add free resources and special access to those that sign up.

So go ahead and check out our Essentials Pack Free Membership today.



Brad (Schenck) Caldana

Author and Digital Strategist for Politics & NGOs. Formerly w/ @RAN, @OFA, #Obama2012, ‘08 The DNC, and more. Author of