Introducing Team Disaster Artists!

Ketki Jadhav
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2018

Why Disaster Artists you ask?

Over the next 8 months we aim at creating a solution to help increase civilian response in times of disasters, natural and manmade. We hope do to do so in the most creative and innovative way possible.

Our Project Brief | Our client who has worked in patient flow management and hospitals for the last 25 years approached Carnegie Mellon University to help develop their ideas in store for the “next phase” of their company. They have identified as helping citizens in the time of disasters as the direction that they would like to explore and here we are! A team of 5 enthusiastic Human Computer Interaction students ready to take on this 8 month long challenge.

What makes our team special is the fact that we come from entirely different backgrounds with varying skill sets that help complete the entire puzzle that is needed for solving a wicked problem such as ours.

The Team

Brooke Sachs (Project Management Expert & Asst. Designer)

Brooke studied International Relations with a minor in French. She worked various roles in financial services, including underwriting, market and operations strategy, and advanced analytics. She’s transitioning into UX and is most interested in interaction design, IoT/physical computing, and service design.

Fun fact: She made second round of Jeopardy! auditions in 2016 but did not get on TV.

Ketki Jadhav (Design Expert & Asst. Project Manager)

Ketki studied animation as an undergraduate and quickly shifted into Interaction design after a year of working in the film industry in India. With a total of 3 years of work experience before coming to CMU this fall, she hopes to hone her design skills and add research and project management under her belt to move up the ladder in the industry.

Fun fact: She taught stop-motion animation to 5–6 year old children in a school in Dharamshala, India.

Jonathan K. Loeb ( Research Expert & Asst. Designer)

Jon is a current student in MHCI at Carnegie Mellon. He previously studied sociology and communications at McGill and Concordia universities in Montréal. His work background is in a variety of fields from publishing to user research to recreation programs for children. He is an interaction designer with a focus on adaptable technologies and accessibility issues.

Fun Fact: Nope

Marina Leao Lucena ( Tech Expert & Asst. Designer)

Marina studied Computer Science at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. After that she got a Master’s degree in Internet Technology and Architecture from Technische Universitat Berlin and Universite Pierre et Marie Curie. Marina hopes to pivot from Computer Science to UX Design after her CMU Master’s degree.

Fun fact: She worked for three months at Disney Animal Kingdom as a Disney Cast Member in the Wild Life Express Train attraction.

Nishchala Singhal ( Research Expert & Asst. Designer)

Nishchala studied Cognitive Science with a concentration in Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience at UC Berkeley. As a recent graduate, she is eager to apply her bachelors degree to UX research and design. Nishchala is particularly interested in technology for social good and is excited to see where this project unfolds.

Fun fact: As of December 2017, she has traveled to 20 countries.

Left to right Jon, Ketki, wait..Marina, Brooke..ummm..I think it was Nishchala, Jon..oh nevermind. The Team!!!!

