Week 25: One week to go

Marina Lucena
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2018

The team is one week away from our final presentation. In order to prepare, we spent the current week finishing the app code and getting feedback on presentation slides and content.

Haven is an app that helps citizens during the hurricane season.

The week once again was intense, with lots of work and project discussions, and the team was able to make great progress. Regarding the presentation, we created the presentation slides and had a walkthrough with our advisors. They provided great feedback, which is being incorporated to the final slides. Besides approval from our advisors, we also outlined the presentation to the client and got feedback. He seemed happy with what we showed!

On a technical aspect the app code is almost finalized, with only a few details to change, in order to make sure we will have a great demo of the app on August 6th, the presentation day. We will be demonstrating the flow of a caregiver using Haven and how it allows personalized preparation and evacuation options, providing a specific user experience for each user. The caregiver in question is Vanessa, who takes care of her mom, Sue, who suffers from COPD. Vanessa will use Haven to register her mom on a Special Medical Needs shelter, to better prepare before the disaster and to know where to evacuate before the hurricane hits.

Our two user personas: Vanessa, the caregiver, and Sue, the special medical needs person.

The client is excited for our final presentation, having 8 people coming on-site and having requested a recording of the presentation for other employees who won’t be able to attend. We are eager to show them our final solution and to finally see the result of 8 months of hard work, involving research, design and coding.

Research process.

It’s been a long journey, but we’re more than ready to end it at high standards!

