Blackface Photo: Southern Illinois University

Katherine Koretski
The Divide
Published in
1 min readDec 21, 2016

By Katherine Koretski

See our full article about the 11 blackface selfies and videos posted this fall.

A student from Southern Illinois University apologized after a photo went viral of her and one other standing in front of a confederate flag with blackface, just after the Nov. 8 election.

The photo circulated on many social media platforms such as Twitter. According to local news reports, the student released an apology on Facebook, shortly after the photo came into view.

“I would like to explain that the picture has my face in it, but that is completely out of context. The confederate flag in the background is defaced (ripped in half) because I do not support it. The black on my face is boscia face mask. I do not hate any group of people. #blacklivesmatter.”

The school’s chancellor also released a statement to the university addressing the matter, as well as the recent presidential election. He explained the emotion of the matter and how the students should “help to create a respectful, safe and welcoming environment.”

